
Each dashboard is made up of cards.

Screenshot of the masonry view with different types of cards Screenshot of the masonry view with different types of cards.

Card categories

There are several different card types, each with their own configuration options. They can be categorized in terms of their function:

  • Specific to a device type or service: alarm, light, humidifier, thermostat, plant status, media control, weather forecast, shopping list, map, logbook, and calendar card
  • Grouping other cards: vertical stack, horizontal stack, and grid card
  • Logic function: conditional and entity filter card
  • Display generic data: sensor, history graph, statistic, statistics graph, energy, gauge, and webpage card
  • Control devices and entities: button and entity card
  • Display data and control entities: area, picture elements, and picture glance card

Card actions, features, header and footer widgets

Some cards have support for tap actions. These actions define what will happen when you tap or hold on an object within a card.

Some cards have support for features. These widgets add quick controls to the card. Supported features depend on the card and entity capabilities. Multiple features can be added to a single card.

Screenshot of tile cards with features. Screenshot of tile cards with features.

Some cards have support for header and footer widgets. These widgets fill up the entire available space in a card.

Screenshot of an entities card with a picture header. Screenshot of an entities card with a picture header and buttons footer.

Adding cards to your dashboard

  1. If this is your first time editing a dashboard, take control of the default dashboard.

  2. Choose one of the two methods to add cards to a dashboard: