2022.5: Streamlining settings


Home Assistant Core 2022.5!

And, as often said: “All things seem possible in May!”. Well, possibilities we have for you this last month of spring.

The most visible thing this release is the next iteration of the settings menu, of which the result, to me personally, makes tons of sense. It took me a bit to get used to, but honestly I like it! 🤩

Meanwhile, at Nabu Casa, they released annual subscriptions for Home Assistant Cloud worldwide (except for Canada, the UK, and the EU, they will follow soon with local currency support).

I’m also very excited to present you with a whole lot of new powerful automations and scripts features! Some for the UI, but there are some real game changers in there that our YAML community will love! 🤖

Enjoy the release!


Reorganized settings menu

A couple of releases ago, we started reorganizing the configuration menu, and this release is bringing the next big step in that reorganization.

The goal is to have everything in a single logical place, and after user tests and many discussions in frontend and UX channels, this is what the menu now looks like:

Screenshot showing the new configuration menu structure

Most notably, it’s been renamed from “Configuration” to “Settings”, and we have a brand new “System” submenu (shown on the right in the above screenshot).

Are you running Home Assistant OS? The Supervisor has been fully merged into the settings menu to provide a seamless/unified experience. It removes weirdness like having a network section in one menu and the Supervisor section.

Blueprints moved to the automations & scenes section, and by popular request: Helpers have moved to the devices & services page.

YAML configuration tools have a new home in the developer tools, a more logical place for YAML configuration checks and reloading.

You might notice some of the new menu items are fairly empty. For those menus, like “Storage” and “Hardware”, we have more content planned soon!

Just to be sure, we have added a list of changes to the backward-incompatible changes section; please check those out in case you are missing something.

Find entities even quicker than before

Looking to access that one entity quickly? But it isn’t on your dashboard?

The Quick Bar helps with that; just press e anywhere you are in Home Assistant. This release adds a quick search button to the dashboards as well, so you can look up and access any entity you need, even when it is not on your current dashboard.

Screenshot showing the new quick search button

To conserve space, the search is not shown on mobile devices; but is available via the overflow menu (the three dots in the top right).

New automation & script features

This release is packed with new automation & script features! Some have been added to the UI, and others are advanced features that are only available when using YAML.

One thing almost all these changes have in common: They have been requested and voted for by the community in our Feature Requests forum.


When we introduced the Choose action, our goal was to provide a structure that allowed for other action sequences selectively based on conditions.

While this structure is very flexible and extensive, there was still a desire for an if-then(-else) structure that is small, simple, compact, and clean. This release brings you just that.

The new if-then action is available via YAML and via the UI using automations and scripts editors.

Screenshot showing If-then
If-then example in YAML

If YAML automations are more your thing, this is how you can use the new if-then action in your automations and scripts.

  - if:
      - alias: "If no one is home"
        condition: state
        entity_id: zone.home
        state: 0
      - alias: "Then start cleaning already!"
        service: vacuum.start
          area_id: living_room
    # The `else` is fully optional and can be omitted
      - service: notify.notify
          message: "Skipped cleaning, someone is home!"

Note that that if also supports a shorthand condition template (if that is more your style), for example:

  - if: "{{ states('zone.home') == 0 }}"
      - alias: "Then start cleaning already!"
        service: vacuum.start
          area_id: living_room

More information can be found in the scripts documentation.

Calendar trigger

@allenporter gave the Calendar integration (and the Google Calendars integration) lots of love. In the process, a new Calendar trigger was added, which is available for use in your automations.

Screenshot showing the new calendar trigger in the UI The new calendar trigger is available in the automation editor.

This brand new trigger is slightly more flexible than the (previously only other option) state trigger. It is available for automations in YAML as well, and the trigger provides lots of trigger variables you can use in your templates.

Calendar trigger example in YAML

The calendar trigger is, of course, also available in YAML. This automation example shows the use of the trigger and some of the variables it provides.

    - platform: calendar
      event: start
      entity_id: calendar.personal
    - service: persistent_notification.create
        message: >-
          Event {{ trigger.calendar_event.summary }} @
          {{ trigger.calendar_event.start }}

More information can be found in the Calendar integration documentation.

For each

We had several options available to repeat a group of actions. For example, repeating based on a count, while a condition passes, or until a condition passes.

These are very powerful, but repeating a sequence for each item in a list was also requested and voted for. This release adds: For each.

This is an advanced feature and is only available for use in automations written manually in YAML. Here is an example that sends out two notifications in different languages:

    - language: English
      message: Hello World
    - language: Dutch
      message: Hallo Wereld
    - service: notify.phone
        title: "Message in {{ repeat.item.language }}"
        message: "{{ repeat.item.message }}!"

Each item in the list will be run against a sequence of actions, and the item is available as a variable you can use in your templates. The items you can provide to for_each can be mappings, lists of just strings, and even complex templates that provide a list as a result.

More information can be found in the scripts documentation.

Disable any trigger, condition, or action

Sometimes, you may want to disable a specific trigger, action, or condition, whether this is for testing, a temporary workaround, or any other reason.

In YAML, you’d comment out parts of your automation, but if you wanted to do that in the UI, the only option you have is to delete it from the automation or script.

In this release, we added support for disabling a trigger, action, or condition; without the need for removing it or commenting it out! A disabled trigger won’t fire, a disabled condition always passes, and a disabled action is skipped.

Screenshot showing a disabled condition in a UI automation
Disabled example in YAML

If YAML automations are more your thing, this disabled feature is still helpful. While, of course, you can still comment parts out easily; using this feature will make disabled parts still show up in automation and script debug traces.

Every trigger, condition, and action now has an enabled parameter. Which you can set to false to disable that section. For example:

# Example automation with a disabled trigger
    # This trigger will not trigger, as it is disabled.
    # This automation does not run when the sun is set.
    - enabled: false
      platform: sun
      event: sunset

    # This trigger will fire, as it is not disabled.
    - platform: time
      at: "15:32:00"

More information can be found in the disabled Triggers, Conditions, and Actions documentation.

Continue on error

An automation runs a sequence of actions. One of the questions we often see/read/get is: “If one of the actions fails, why does the whole automation stop?”

Good question! To answer this, we have added: Continue on error.

It allows specific steps in an automation or script sequence to fail without interrupting the rest of the sequence.

This advanced feature is currently only available for automations and scripts written in YAML. The following example shows an automation action that will always run the second action, even if the first action fails with an error:

  - alias: "If this one fails..."
    continue_on_error: true
    service: notify.super_unreliable_service_provider
      message: "I'm going to error out..."

  - alias: "This one will still run!"
    service: persistent_notification.create
      title: "Hi there!"
      message: "I'm fine..."

More information can be found in the scripts documentation.

Stopping a script or automation

You can now stop a script or automation halfway using the Stop action. Combined with the previously mentioned new If-then action, this can be used to stop an automation or script conditionally.

For example, this can be helpful if you want just part of an automation to run when you are home and run it at full when you are away.

This feature is available both via the UI and YAML.

Screenshot showing the new stop action
Stop example in YAML

When writing YAML automations or scripts, this is how the Stop action looks:

  - stop: "Stop right here!"
    # Optionally mark it as an unexpected error
    error: true

More information can be found in the scripts documentation

Parallelizing actions

This release introduces a highly advanced feature that provides a way to parallelize actions.

By default, all actions in Home Assistant run sequentially. This means the next action is only started after the current action has been completed.

Running in serial is not always needed, for example, if the sequence of actions doesn’t rely on each other and order doesn’t matter. For those cases, the parallel action can be used to run the actions in the sequence in parallel, meaning all the actions are started simultaneously.

  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.motion
        to: "on"
      - parallel:
          - service: notify.person1
              message: "These messages are sent at the same time!"
          - service: notify.person2
              message: "These messages are sent at the same time!"

This feature is partly available via the UI; however, as said: This is quite a powerful and advanced feature, and it comes with caveats. Be sure to check out the script documentation on parallelizing actions before deciding to use it.

Using a single state trigger for multiple entities

If you write automations in YAML, you are probably already aware of the ability to trigger on multiple entities in a single trigger; it has been around for quite some time.

And now also available in the UI. A small addition that might help you cut down the length of your UI-managed automations.

Screenshot showing multiple entites in a single trigger from the UI.

Trigger on not matching to/from states

This is a YAML only feature we have added to the state triggers: Triggering on not matching to/from states. Yes, you read that correctly. When it not matches it triggers.

Instead of from, you can now use not_from and instead of to, you can now use not_to. This example trigger will only trigger if the state was previously not “unavailable” or “unknown”:

  - platform: state
    entity_id: light.living_room
      - "unavailable"
      - "unknown"
    to: "on"

More information can be found on the state condition documentation.

Shorthand notation for logical conditions

A neat little YAML feature @thomasloven added can make your YAML-based automations and scripts looks significantly cleaner.

Logical conditions (also known as and, or, not) now have a shorthand notation. Some example pseudo code to show them all:

  - <condition>
  - and:
    - <condition>
    - <condition>
  - not:
    - <condition>

In the above <condition>, of course, needs to be replaced with an actual condition, but the short new syntax of or, and, and not is clearly visible.

More information can be found on the condition documentation.

Gauge card segment colors

An excellent addition by @Netzwerkfehler is the ability to freely define the number of segments, and their colors, of the gauge card!

Screenshot of the gauge card with multiple colored segments. Screenshot of the gauge card with multiple colored segments.

Helpful if you’d like to define upper and lower sensor limits on your gauge, as shown in the example above. The configuration example used for the above screenshot can be found in the Gauge Card documentation.

Database optimizations

The last release focused on reducing the size of the database and optimizing the writing of data to the database.

While there are some additional optimizations in this release to further reduce the amount of data that needs to be written, in this release, we focused on how often data is read from the database and optimizing its scale for larger setups.

This release is for you if you have many sensors generating statistics, as compiling statistics now takes 30-100x less time.

Are you using the History Stats integration? The number of database queries needed for most sensors with a fixed start time is 99% less.

We have made additional improvements to the history APIs to speed up retrieving from the database, reducing API response times by 15-35% on average.

Finally, we have reduced the memory used during database migrations to smooth future migrations and are now automatically repacking your database once a month to keep things tidy.

Update entity updates

In the previous release, we introduced update entities. It was a well-received concept, and we added a couple of improvements to it.

Almost all feedback we got involved “Skipping an update”-related functionality. Can I unskip an update? How to see which updates I have skipped?

To help with these, we added a dedicated settings menu for updates. It provides an overview of all pending updates and provides the ability to view updates you have previously skipped.

Screenshot showing the new updates page in the settings menu

Skipped updates can now be “unskipped” again too! This works in the same way as skipping an update but can also be done in automations using this new service.

Two new integrations have implemented update entities this release:

And finally, if you’d like to receive update notifications: The “Update notifications” Blueprint by @mdegat01 has been getting quite some attention in the community this month!

Insteon control panel

In case you have missed it, the US smart home company Insteon went out of business and shut down its cloud services.

Read more about it in our dedicated blog post.

As Home Assistant works with Insteon locally, we have seen quite a few new users joining our community; so:

👋 Hello, dear Insteon user. We have a new control panel for you!

Screenshot showing the new Insteon control panel The new Insteon control panel allows you to manage your Insteon devices.

This new control panel allows you to manage your Insteon device from Home Assistant directly, just like you would have done previously with the Insteon application.

Thanks for you hard work on this Tom Harris!

Template selector

A new selector is added: The Template selector.

This new selector can be used in, for example, Blueprints, scripts fields, or in a (custom) integration. It provides a nice code editor with Jinja syntax highlighting and entity auto-completion.

We have deployed it in the automations and scripts editor too! So, you now get this editor when editing your template conditions or wait for template actions in the UI.

Screenshot showing the template editor

Other noteworthy changes

There is much more juice in this release; here are some of the other noteworthy changes this release:

  • Every script now automatically gets a unique ID, which means you can edit their name, icon and assign them to areas straight from the UI! Thanks, @frenck!
  • If you run the Z-Wave JS server manually in, for example, a Docker container, it will now be automatically discovered on your network. Thanks @raman325!
  • Template entities now have a this variable available, which is a reference to the state of the template entity itself. Awesome work @akloeckner and @emontnemery!
  • Running Home Assistant Core or Container? @frenck added the backup.create service to the backup integration allowing you to create an automation to create backups on a schedule.
  • @sisimomo added Markdown support to Blueprint input descriptions, allowing you to add links to, for example, documentation in your Blueprints.
  • The Shelly integration now supports authentication for the second generation devices, thanks @thecode!
  • State conditions with multiple entities can now also match if any of the entities match the condition (instead of all), thanks @frenck!
  • Sonos now has a favorites sensor so that you can access and use your favorites in your automations, scripts, and templates. Thanks @jjlawren!
  • @dmulcahey added support for configuring the power-on state of devices that have this configuration option to ZHA. Nice!
  • Sensors now have a new device class available: “duration”. Thanks, @bdraco!
  • The output of Media Selector can now be directly used with play media service calls in your Blueprints. Awesome, @emontnemery!
  • @raman325 added frontend support for Sirens, so you can actually turn one on from the UI. 🚨 Alarming news @raman325!
  • @frenck added a persons attribute to zones, which indicates who is currently in a zone.
  • When customizing the device class / “Show as” of an entity in the UI, you can now set it to nothing/empty as well. Thanks, @zsarnett!
  • @rdfurman Added support to the Honeywell Total Connect Comfort (US) integration for outdoor sensors. Awesome!
  • Philips TV now provides a switch to turn on/off the “Ambilight+Hue” syncing (if your TV model supports that). Thanks, @bramstroker!

New Integrations

We welcome the following new integrations this release:

Integrations now available to set up from the UI

The following integrations are now available via the Home Assistant UI:

Release 2022.5.1 - May 5

Release 2022.5.2 - May 6

Release 2022.5.3 - May 8

Release 2022.5.4 - May 12

Release 2022.5.5 - May 18

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Backward-incompatible changes

Below is a listing of the breaking change for this release, per subject or integration. Click on one of those to read more about the breaking change for that specific item.

Configuration Menu

This release contains several changes to the configuration menu. These are the most important changes.

  • The Configuration menu has been renamed to Settings.

  • Helpers moved to Devices & Services.

  • Blueprints moved to Automations & Scenes.

  • Areas is now grouped with `Zones.

  • Dashboard Resources moved to overflow menu*.

  • A brand new System menu housing all system-related settings:

    • The Restart button is available in the System menu.
    • New Updates menu, which also now provides the ability to join or leave the beta channel from the overflow menu*.
    • All logs moved to Logs (Supervisor, audio, etc).
    • Backups moved from the Supervisor/Main menu to here.
    • Network now has all network related settings previously in the General settings and Supervisor.
    • Storage provides information about used space, eMMC Lifetime, and also provides the Move datadisk feature in the overflow menu*.
    • Hardware now has the Reboot and Restart Host controls, Available Hardware is available in the overflow menu*.
    • System Health moved to its own menu item in the system menu.
    • Processor and memory usage was moved into the new System Health menu.
    • The integration list with timings, previously shown in the About menu, is moved into the new System Health menu.

Additionally, the developers tools has a brand new YAML tab, which contains the buttons and tools to reload and check your YAML configuration. This was previously known as “Server Controls”, but now moved to the developer tools.

* The overflow menu is the menu you see when you click on the three vertical dots in the top right of your screen.

Temperature conversion

Sensors reporting a temperature but not setting device class to temperature will no longer have their values automatically converted. For sensors that are manually configured, users need to set the device class. If the integration providing the sensor does not support setting device class, the sensor’s state can be filtered through a template sensor.

(@emontnemery - #69069)

AVM FRITZ!Box Call Monitor

The previously deprecated YAML configuration of the AVM FRITZ!Box Call Monitor integration has been removed.

AVM FRITZ!Box Call Monitor is now configured via the UI, any existing YAML configuration has been imported in previous releases and can now be safely removed from your YAML configuration files.

(@cdce8p - #70829) (documentation)


The binary sensor entity showing that an update is available for the FRITZ!Box firmware has been deprecated and will be removed in Home Assistant 2022.7.

The AVM FRITZ!Box Tools integration now provides an update entity as a replacement.

(@Mask3007 - #70096) (documentation)

BMW Connected Drive

All bmw_connected_drive.* services are removed (deprecated since 2022.2). Please use the new button entities with the button.press service instead.

(@rikroe - #69808) (documentation)

The button.<your_vehicle_refresh entity is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use the homeassistant.update_entity service with any BMW entity to force-refresh all platforms from the BMW API.

(@rikroe - #67003) (documentation)


Migrating deCONZ Siren entities from switch platform to siren platform has been removed. This only affects users upgrading from before 2021.10 to 2022.5 or later. At most, this causes lingering unavailable switch entities; which can be manually removed.

(@Kane610 - #70600) (documentation)

Migrated deCONZ light entities of type “On/Off Output” to switch from light platform as they are binary devices (only on/off).

(@Kane610 - #70598) (documentation)


The internal cost and compensation sensor entities, used by the energy dashboard of Home Assistant, are now hidden by default.

(@frenck - #70378) (documentation)


Fibaro lights no longer support deprecated white_value, use rgbw_color instead.

(@rappenze - #69189) (documentation)

Flick Electric

Units changed from cents to ¢/kWh. This more accurately represents the type of value, and makes the sensor work when used in the Energy dashboards.

If you relied on this unit of measurement format in your automations, scripts, or have been recording it in an external time metrics database, you may need to adapt to this change.

(@ZephireNZ - #69396) (documentation)

History Stats

The pretty formatted value attribute has been removed in favor of using the new duration state class, which is formatted by the frontend.

This change significantly reduces the number of rows stored in the database.

(@bdraco - #70720) (documentation)


The device class carbon_dioxide is no longer admitted as a binary_sensor device class; as it is not a valid device class for a binary sensor. If you have overridden the device class with customize you need to adjust your configuration.

(@epenet - #69239) (documentation)


The native IKEA TRÅDFRI groups are now removed. We propose using light groups instead.

Additionally, the previously deprecated YAML configuration of the IKEA TRÅDFRI integration has been removed.

IKEA TRÅDFRI is now configured via the UI, any existing YAML configuration has been imported in previous releases and can now be safely removed from your YAML configuration files.

(@ggravlingen - #68033) (documentation)

Integration - Riemann sum integral

The Integration sensor unit configuration parameter was deprecated in Home Assistant Core release 2021.10 and is now removed as it did not take unit_prefix and unit_time into account.


  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.current_power
    name: energy_spent
    unit_prefix: k
    unit_time: h
    unit: MWs
    round: 2

The configuration in the example would cause the source sensor’s unit (e.g., W) to be overruled and the integration sensor’s unit_of_measurement would be set to MWs (MegaWatt-Second) even though the integral calculation was performed with k (kilo) and h (hour), i.e., the value of the integration sensor is in kWh, not MWs.

(@dgomes - #69157) (documentation)


The LIFX integration changed the network adapters used to discover LIFX devices. Instead of enabling all adapters on which LIFX devices appear, it now only uses the adapter(s) enabled in Home Assistant.

This makes the discovery of LIFX faster and more reliable.

(@Djelibeybi - #70458) (documentation)

Media Player

Media Player now supports a new state, buffering. Integrations supporting this state previously reported playing but may now report buffering. This may also introduce new state transitions between the two states during playback.

In order to maintain previous behavior, replace usage of playing with both the buffering and playing states, and consider how to handle transitions between the two.

(@emontnemery - #70863) (documentation)

Media Source

Filenames and directories starting with a . will no longer appear in the Media Browser.

If the file or directory name starts with a ., it means they are marked hidden; thus, the media browser will now respect that.

(@DDanii - #69820) (documentation)


min_max sensors generated a significant amount of database rows because they included all attributes regardless of the configured type. For active sensors, these attributes added up to multiple megabytes per day for each sensor. Reference issue report.

min_max sensors now only set attributes based on the configured type of sensor as below:

  • min: min_entity_id
  • max: max_entity_id
  • last: last_entity_id

The following attributes are no longer present: min, max, mean, median, last, count_sensors

If access to the data previously provided by the attributes is needed, create a separate min_max sensor for that required type instead.

(@bdraco - #70142) (documentation)


The previously deprecated YAML configuration of the MJPEG IP Camera integration has been removed.

MJPEG IP Camera is now configured via the UI, any existing YAML configuration has been imported in previous releases and can now be safely removed from your YAML configuration files.

(@frenck - #68033) (documentation)


The previously deprecated YAML configuration of the ONVIF integration has been removed.

ONVIF is now configured via the UI, any existing YAML configuration has been imported in previous releases and can now be safely removed from your YAML configuration files.

(@hunterjm - #70395) (documentation)

Pentair ScreenLogic

The original orp_supply_level and ph_supply_level sensors will become unavailable. Two new sensors will be automatically created, but the originals will have to be removed and the new ones manually renamed to match the originals.

This should only affect those with IntelliChem.

(@dieselrabbit - #69937) (documentation)

Phone Modem

The previously deprecated modem_callerid.reject_call service has now been removed. A button entity has previously been made available as a replacement.

(@frenck - #69019) (documentation)


The previously deprecated “Wanted” sensor in the Radarr integration has been removed. If you have this sensor still configured in your YAML configuration, you should remove it before updating.

(@tkdrob - #69500) (documentation)


RainMachine zone switches no longer have the time_remaining attribute; instead, each zone now has a separate sensor entity (device class of timestamp, entity category of diagnostic) that shows the datetime at which the zone will finish (or last finished if the zone isn’t running).

(@bachya - #69206) (documentation)

RainMachine switch attributes that are floats are now rounded to two decimals of precision.

(@bachya - #70006) (documentation)


Home Assistant will now automatically repack your database once a month, on the second Sunday of the month.

Repacking allows shrinking the database in file size, resulting in smaller backups. It also frees up the space that has been freed up by the database optimizations made in 2022.4.

Some notes:

  • It is only done once a month to minimize I/O.
  • The second Sunday was chosen as it would be out of sync with Home Assistant releases.
  • This automatic repacking can be disabled by setting auto_repack to false in the recorder configuration.

(@bdraco - #69314) (documentation)

It’s no longer possible to configure the recorder to use an in-memory database.

(@emontnemery - #69616) (documentation)

Integrations and platforms can provide hints to the recorder to exclude specific entity state attributes from being recorded.

This excludes attributes that hold little to no historical value or are a static value. This significantly reduces the amount of data stored.

The following attributes are no longer recorded:

  • Automation: current, id, last_action, last_triggered, max and mode.
  • Input Boolean: editable.
  • Input Button: editable.
  • Input Datetime: editable, has_date, and has_datetime.
  • Input Number: editable, max, min, mode, and step.
  • Input Text: editable, max, min, mode, and pattern.
  • Input Select: editable.

(@bdraco - #70168 #70223)

(@frenck - #70154 #70224 #70225 #70226)


The SABnzbd integration migrated to configuration via the UI. Configuring SABnzbd via YAML configuration has been deprecated and will be removed in a future Home Assistant release.

Your existing YAML configuration is automatically imported on upgrade to this release; and thus can be safely removed from your YAML configuration after upgrading.

(@shaiu - #68138) (documentation)


The binary sensor for the update available has been removed. Use the new update entities to monitor available updates instead.

(@gjohansson-ST - #70180) (documentation)


The sonos_group attribute on Sonos media players has been renamed to group_members to align with other integrations.

(@jjlawren - #70924) (documentation)


The SQL integration migrated to configuration via the UI. Configuring SQL via YAML configuration has been deprecated and will be removed in a future Home Assistant release.

Your existing YAML configuration is automatically imported on upgrade to this release; and thus can be safely removed from your YAML configuration after upgrading.

(@gjohansson-ST - #68700) (documentation)


The Steam integration migrated to configuration via the UI. Configuring Steam via YAML configuration has been deprecated and will be removed in a future Home Assistant release.

Your existing YAML configuration is automatically imported on upgrade to this release; and thus can be safely removed from your YAML configuration after upgrading.

The first account listed in the YAML configuration will be considered as your Steam ID as there is no way to identify your Steam ID from your API key. You can put your Steam ID as the first entry in accounts before updating, or set up the integration from scratch.

(@tkdrob - #67261) (documentation)

Synology DSM

The naming of entities and devices has been aligned, so that the device name is now part of the entity name.

(@mib1185 - #69754) (documentation)


The Tautulli integration migrated to configuration via the UI. Configuring Tautulli via YAML configuration has been deprecated and will be removed in a future Home Assistant release.

Your existing YAML configuration is automatically imported on upgrade to this release; and thus can be safely removed from your YAML configuration after upgrading.

(@tkdrob - #57450) (documentation)


Trigger-based template sensors are now initialized to the last known state at Home Assistant startup, instead of to “unknown”.

(@emontnemery - #69344) (documentation)

text-to-speech (TTS)

The TTS base_url option is deprecated. Please, configure internal/external URL instead.

(@balloob - #70382) (documentation)


The UPnP/IGD integration options have been removed. This includes the ability to configure a custom update/scan interval.

As an alternative, the more generic and more flexible homeassistant.update_entity service can be used to create an automation that updates the entities on your desired intervals or schedule.

(@StevenLooman - #69134) (documentation)


Vera power meter sensor is now using the (correct) symbol W for watt instead of watts.

If you relied on this unit of measurement format in your automations, scripts, or have been recording it in an external time metrics database, you may need to adapt to this change.

(@emontnemery - #69285) (documentation)

Z-Wave JS

With this release, you will need to update your zwave-js-server instance.

  • If you use the zwave_js add-on, you need to have at least version 0.1.56.
  • If you use the Z-Wave JS 2 MQTT add-on, you need to have at least version 0.38.0.
  • If you use the zwavejs2mqtt Docker container, you need to have at least version 6.7.0.
  • If you run your own Docker container, or some other installation method, you will need to update your zwave-js-server instance to at least 1.16.0.

(@raman325 - #70464) (documentation)


Zengge lights no longer support white_value, please use white instead.

(@emontnemery - #55260) (documentation)

If you are a custom integration developer and want to learn about breaking changes and new features available for your integration: Be sure to follow our developer blog. The following are the most notable for this release:

Farewell to the following

The following integrations are also no longer available as of this release:

  • Arlo has been removed. It was in a broken state for a long time caused by authentication changes upstream. (@anaisbetts - #70330)
  • Digital Loggers has been removed. It relied on web scraping, which is not allowed for a Home Assistant Core integration. (@tkdrob - #69939)
  • Updater was previously deprecated and has been removed. Use the Version and Analytics integrations as a replacement. (@frenck - #68981)

All changes

Of course, there is a lot more in this release. You can find a list of all changes made here: Full changelog for Home Assistant Core 2022.5