
Integrates Sensibo devices into Home Assistant.


Please click here and register to obtain the API key.


If you create the API key using a dedicated user (and not your main user), then in the Sensibo app log you will be able to distinguish between actions done in the app and actions done by Home Assistant.


To add the Sensibo integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Sensibo can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.

Binary sensors

For motion sensors (supported by Sensibo Air devices), this integration provides the following sensors:

  • Motion
  • Alive
  • Main sensor

For climate devices, these sensors are available:

  • Room presence (for Air devices with an attached motion sensor)

For Pure devices, these sensors are available:

  • Pure Boost Enabled
  • Pure Boost linked with AC
  • Pure Boost linked with Presence
  • Pure Boost linked with Outdoor Air Quality

For all devices, these sensors are available:

  • Filter Clean Required


You can reset your filter check by using the button available on climate devices.

By pressing the button, you tell your device that you have cleaned or replaced the filter.

Number entities

By using the number entities you can calibrate the temperature and hunmidity of your device.

These entities are disabled by default.

Select entities

For supported devices, this integration provides support to set the following modes by the select entity:

  • Horizontal swing
  • Light

Sensor entities

For all devices, these sensors are available:

  • Filter last reset
  • Feels Like
  • Timer end time

For motion sensors (supported by Sensibo Air devices), this integration provides the following sensors:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity

For diagnostics, not automatically displayed on dashboards, these sensors are available for motion sensors:

  • Voltage
  • Rssi

For Pure devices, these sensors are available:

  • PM2.5
  • Pure Boost Sensitivity

For AirQ device, these sensors are available:

  • TVOC
  • CO2

For Element device, these sensors are available:

  • PM 2.5
  • TVOC
  • CO2
  • Ethanol
  • Air quality

For climate devices, these sensors are available:

  • Climate React low temperature threshold
  • Climate React high temperature threshold

Switch entities

For climate devices, these switches are available:

Support to enable/disable a timer to delay a start or stop (depending on the current state) of your device.

The switch uses a timer of 60 minutes delay. You can choose a custom delay using the custom sensibo.enable_timer service. See Timer.

Support to enable/disable Climate React

Usage of the Climate React switch requires that the service has been configured previously in the app or by using the custom sensibo.enable_climate_react service. See Climate React

For Pure devices, this integration provides support to enable/disable Pure Boost.

To customize the settings of Pure Boost, you can use the custom sensibo.enable_pure_boost service. See Pure Boost

Custom services

Full state

You can send a full state command to Sensibo instead of single commands using the service sensibo.full_state.

All fields are required to be according to Sensibo API specifications and are case-sensitive.

To see the options for each field to use this service:

  1. Switch to the relevant HVAC mode (not all HVAC modes have the same options).
  2. Retrieve the options for fan_modes and swing_modes from the climate entity’s attributes.
  3. Retrieve the option set from the respective select entity for horizontal_swing and light if those are present.

Assume state

For devices which are also controlled in other ways or often goes out of sync with Sensibo there is a sensibo.assume_state service.

With this service you can tell Sensibo if your device is currently running or not without sending a new command to you device.

Pure Boost

You can configure your Pure Boost settings using the services sensibo.enable_pure_boost.

  • Enable Pure Boost will enable the service with configured settings

Using Geo integration for Pure Boost is only possible by pre-configuration of Presence within the app.


You can enable a timer with a custom delay using the service sensibo.enable_timer that is provided.

Climate React

You can configure your Climate React settings using the services sensibo.enable_climate_react.

  • Configuring this service also turns Climate React on

When using the service, the state needs to be set to precisely what Sensibo API expects. The first time it’s recommended to use the app to configure it. From that point, you can see what the API requires and how to write from the Climate React switch attribute.

Example for low threshold state:

on: true
fanLevel: "high"
temperatureUnit: "C"
targetTemperature: 23
mode: "cool"
swing: "fixedBottom"
horizontalSwing: "fixedLeft"
light: "on"

Adding a quick switch example

If you want a “Quick Switch” to turn your AC On / Off, you can do that using the following Switch Template:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "AC"
        value_template: "{{ is_state('', 'cool') or is_state('', 'heat') or is_state('', 'dry') or is_state('', 'fan_only') }}"
          service: climate.set_hvac_mode
            hvac_mode: "cool"
          service: climate.set_hvac_mode
            hvac_mode: "off"