
The Fibaro integration allows you to connect Home Assistant to a Fibaro Home Center or a Yubii Home hub so that you can control and monitor the connected devices and run scenes. Home Assistant uses a local connection to connect to the Fibaro hub.

Supported hub models

Fibaro Home Center 2, Home Center Lite, Home Center 3, Home Center 3 Lite, and Yubii Home.


  1. Control devices connected to the hub and synchronize the state of the devices (see platforms for supported devices and capabilities).
  2. Entities are automatically added when configuring the Fibaro integration and upon restart of Home Assistant when changed in the Fibaro hub.
  3. Support for multiple hubs.
  4. Activate scenes defined in the Fibaro hub.
  5. Use event entities to trigger your Home Assistant automations based on a button press event on a device.


To add the Fibaro hub to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:


It is recommended to assign a static IP address to your Fibaro controller. This ensures that it won’t change its IP address, so you won’t have to change the url if the controller reboots and comes up with a different IP address. See your router’s manual for details on how to set this up. If you need the MAC address of your Fibaro, check the label on the bottom.

Supported platforms

  • Binary sensor
  • Climate
  • Cover
  • Event
  • Light
  • Lock
  • Scene
  • Sensor
  • Switch


Enable events on Z-Wave devices

The event platform uses the central scene events sent by Z-Wave devices. This works out of the box for switch devices.

For relay devices with switches or inputs to connect a switch, you often need to change the Z-Wave parameter ‘Scenes sent’ because the events are usually disabled by default.