Home Assistant frontend

This offers the official frontend to control Home Assistant. This integration is enabled by default unless you’ve disabled or removed the default_config: line from your configuration. If that is the case, the following example shows you how to enable this integration manually:

# Example configuration.yaml entry

Configuration Variables

themes map (Optional)

Allows you to define different themes. See below for further details.

[identifier] list | map Required

Name to use in the frontend.

[css-identifier] list | string Required

The CSS identifier.

extra_module_url list (Optional)

List of additional JavaScript modules to load in latest JavaScript mode.

extra_js_url_es5 list (Optional)

List of additional JavaScript code to load in es5 JavaScript mode.

development_repo string (Optional)

Allows you to point to a directory containing frontend files instead of taking them from a prebuilt PyPI package. Useful for Frontend development.

Defining themes

Theme format

The frontend integration allows you to create custom themes to influence the look and feel of the user interface.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
      primary-color: pink
      accent-color: orange
      primary-color: steelblue
      accent-color: darkred

The example above defines two themes named happy and sad. For each theme, you can set values for CSS variables. If you want to provide hex color values, wrap those in quotation marks, since otherwise, YAML would consider them a comment (primary-color: "#123456").

Supported theme variables

Primary and accent color

Primary and accent colors are the main colors of the application. They can be changed it using primary-color and accent-color variables.

State color

Each entity has its own color, based on domain, device_class, and state, to be easily recognizable. Theses colors are used in dashboards and history. Home Assistant has default color rules that fit most use cases.

Here is a list of domains that support colors: alarm_control_panel, alert, automation, binary_sensor, calendar, camera, climate, cover, device_tracker, fan, group, humidifier, input_boolean, light, lock, media_player, person, plant, remote, schedule, script, siren, sun, switch, timer, update, and vacuum.

The color rules can be customized using theme variables:

  1. state-{domain}-{device_class}-{state}-color
  2. state-{domain}-{state}-color
  3. state-{domain}-(active|inactive)-color
  4. state-(active|inactive)-color

Note that the variables will be used in the listed order, so if multiple match your entity, the first matching variable (= most specific one) will be used.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
      state-cover-garage-open-color: "#ff0000"
      state-media_player-inactive-color: "#795548"

The example above defines red color for open garage doors and brown color for inactive media players.

Unsupported theme variables

Although we do our best to keep things working, the behavior of other theme variables can change between releases. For a partial list of variables used by the main frontend see ha-style.ts.

Dark mode support

It is also possible to create themes that are based on the default dark mode theme. New themes can also support both light and dark mode and allow the user to switch between those on the user profile page:

Extended example to show the mode definitions.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
      primary-color: pink
      text-primary-color: purple
      primary-color: steelblue
          secondary-text-color: slategray
      primary-color: coral
          secondary-text-color: olive
          secondary-text-color: slategray

Theme happy: Same as in the previous example. This legacy format is still supported and will behave as before and automatically use the default light theme as the base.

Theme sad: By using the new modes key plus the subkey dark this theme will now be based on the default dark theme. The final theme rules are determined in three steps: First, the default dark theme CSS variables will be applied, then second the CSS variables from the top level of the theme that are mode-independent (primary-color: steelblue in this example) and lastly the mode-specific CSS variables will be layered on top (secondary-text-color: slategray).

Note: Since this example theme only has a dark mode defined, this mode will automatically be used.

Theme day_and_night: This theme has both a light and a dark mode section. That tells the frontend to allow the user to choose which mode to use from the user profile (default selection is based on the system settings). Independent of the selection, the primary color will be set to coral, but based on the chosen mode either the default light or dark theme will be used as the basis for rendering, plus the secondary text color will be either olive or slategray.

Theme configuration splitting

As with all configuration, you can either:

  • Directly specify the themes inside your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file.
  • Put them into a separate file (e.g., themes.yaml) and include that in your configuration (themes: !include themes.yaml).
  • Create a dedicated folder (e.g., my_themes) and include all files from within this folder (themes: !include_dir_merge_named my_themes).

For more details about splitting up the configuration into multiple files, see this page.

Check our community forums to find themes to use.

Setting themes

There are two themes-related services:

  • frontend.reload_themes: Reloads theme configuration from your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file.
  • frontend.set_theme: Sets backend-preferred theme name.

Service set_theme

Service data attribute Description
name Name of the theme to set, default for the default theme or none to restore to the default.
mode If the theme should be applied in light or dark mode light or dark (Optional, default light).

If no dark mode backend theme is set, the light mode theme will also be used in dark mode. The backend theme settings will be saved and restored on a restart of Home Assistant.

Manual theme selection

When themes are enabled in the configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file, a new option will show up in the user profile page (accessed by clicking your user account initials at the bottom of the sidebar). You can then choose any installed theme from the dropdown list and it will be applied immediately. This will overrule the theme settings set by the above service calls, and will only be applied to the current device.

Set a theme

Loading extra JavaScript

Starting with version 0.95 you can load extra custom JavaScript.


# Example configuration.yaml entry
    - /local/my_module.js
    - /local/my_es5.js

Modules will be loaded with import(), on devices that support it (latest mode). For other devices (es5 mode) you can use extra_js_url_es5, this will be loaded with <script defer src=''></script>.

The ES5 and module version will never both be loaded, depending on if the device supports import the module of ES5 version will be loaded.

Manual language selection

The browser language is automatically detected. To use a different language, go to the user profile page (accessed by clicking your user account initials at the bottom of the sidebar) and select one. It will be applied immediately.

Choose a Language