0.68: HomeKit control, Eufy, FritzBox, SigFox sensors


Weekend is around the corner and that means that it’s time for the next release of Home Assistant. 0.68 brings a ton of great goodies and bug fixes.

One of the coolest features this release is by @mjg59: you are now able to control HomeKit devices. Previously, it was possible to control Home Assistant from iOS devices using the HomeKit protocol. With this release, Home Assistant is able to become the controller and use HomeKit to control lights and switches directly. Since HomeKit is vendor agnostic, it means that any HomeKit light or switch will now be compatible with Home Assistant. Very cool.

Another cool new platform, also by @mjg59, is support for Eufy devices. Eufy is the Home Automation brand of Anker and they have been producing reasonably priced devices which can now be controlled by Home Assistant too. Thanks for all your contributions @mjg59 ❤️.

New Platforms

New Features

Release 0.68.1 - April 30

If you need help…

…don’t hesitate to use our very active forums or join us for a little chat. The release notes have comments enabled but it’s preferred if you use the former communication channels. Thanks.

Reporting Issues

Experiencing issues introduced by this release? Please report them in our issue tracker. Make sure to fill in all fields of the issue template.

Backward-incompatible changes

  • Icons! Material Design Icons has implemented some naming guidelines and this caused 9 icons to change names, 3 of which are home automation icons: roomba -> robot-vacuum, nest-protect -> smoke-detector, nest-thermostat -> thermostat (see all changes).
  • Support for multiple MAX!Cube LAN gateways caused a slight change to the configuration schema. Make sure to check the docs for the new one. (@syssi - #13517) (maxcube docs) (binary_sensor.maxcube docs) (climate.maxcube docs) (breaking change)
  • Ebox sensor platform has been disabled because the dependency was not compatible with pip 10. (@balloob - #14003) (sensor.ebox docs) (breaking change)

Beta Fixes

All changes