
The Hive integration for Home Assistant allows you to interact with supported devices and services offered by


Please note that Hive shut down its North American Servers on November 30th, 2021. Read more about this in their shutdown notice.

This Hive integration uses the same username and password you use on the Hive website to configure it within Home Assistant, 2FA authentication must be enabled to use this integration. Once configured Home Assistant will detect and add all Hive devices, including support for multi-zone heating.


To add the Hive integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Hive can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.


Menu: Configuration > Integrations > Select your new integration > Press the options button

  • Scan Interval: Update the scan interval allowing the integration to poll for data more frequently (Cannot be set lower than 30 seconds).


Service hive.boost_heating_on

You can use the service hive.boost_heating_on to set your heating to boost for a period of time at a certain target temperature”. Individual TRVs can also be boosted in the same way, using this service.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no String, Name of entity e.g., climate.heating
time_period no Time Period, Period of time the boost should last for e.g., 01:30:00
temperature yes String, The required target temperature e.g., 20.5


# Example script to boost heating, boost period and target temperature specified.
      - service: hive.boost_heating_on
          entity_id: "climate.heating"
          time_period: "01:30:00"
          temperature: "20.5"

Service hive.boost_heating_off

You can use the service hive.boost_heating_off to turn your heating boost off.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no String, Name of entity e.g., climate.heating


# Example script to boost heating, boost period and target temperature specified.
      - service: hive.boost_heating_off
          entity_id: "climate.heating"

Service hive.boost_hot_water

You can use the service hive.boost_hot_water to set your hot water to boost for a period of time.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no String, Name of entity e.g., water_heater.hot_water
time_period yes Time Period, Period of time the boost should last for e.g., 01:30:00.
on_off no String, The mode to set the boost to on or off e.g., on


# Example script to boost hot water, boost period specified
      - service: "hive.boost_hot_water"
          entity_id: "water_heater.hot_water"
          time_period: "01:30:00"
          on_off: "on"


Alarm control panel

The hive alarm control panel integration integrates your Hive alarm into Home Assistant.

The platform supports the following Hive devices:

  • Hive Home Shield

Binary sensor

The hive binary sensor integration integrates your Hive sensors into Home Assistant.

The platform supports the following Hive devices and sensors:

  • Devices
    • Hive Window or Door Sensor
    • Hive Motion Sensor
  • Sensors
    • Hive Hub Online Status
    • Hive Hub 360 Glass Break
    • Hive Hub 360 Dog Bark
    • Hive Hub 360 Smoke CO2


The hive climate platform integrates your Hive thermostat and Hive radiator valves into Home Assistant, enabling control of setting the mode and setting the target temperature.

A short boost for Hive Heating can be set by using the Boost preset, this will turn on the boost feature for 30 minutes at 0.5 degrees higher than the current temperature.

The platform supports the following Hive products:

  • Hive Active Heating
  • Hive Multi-zone
  • Hive Radiator Valve


The hive light platform integrates your Hive lights into Home Assistant, enabling control of various settings, depending on the model light.

The platform supports the following Hive products:

  • Hive Active Light Dimmable
  • Hive Active Light Cool to Warm White
  • Hive Active Light Color Changing


The hive sensor integration exposes Hive data as a sensor.

The platform exposes the following sensors:

  • Battery level for supported products


The hive switch platform integrates your Hive plugs into Home Assistant, enabling control of your devices.

The platform supports the following Hive products:

  • Hive Active Plug
  • Hive Heat on Demand

Water heater

The hive water heater platform integrates your Hive hot water into Home Assistant, enabling control of setting the mode.

The platform supports the following Hive products:

  • Hot Water Control