
The prometheus integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] exposes metrics in a format which Prometheus can read.


To use the prometheus integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file. After changing the configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file, restart Home Assistant to apply the changes.

# Example configuration.yaml entry

Configuration Variables

namespace string (Optional)

The “namespace” that will be assigned to all the Prometheus metrics. This is the prefix of the metric name. E.g., having myhass as the namespace will cause the device tracker metrics to be myhass_device_tracker_state, the switch metrics to be myhass_switch_state and so on. The default is to not add any prefix to the metrics name. (available in version 0.73.0 and later)

filter list (Optional)

Filtering directives for the integrations which should be included or excluded from recording. (Configure Filter)

exclude_entities list (Optional)

The list of entity ids to be excluded from recording.

exclude_entity_globs list (Optional)

Exclude all entities matching a listed pattern (e.g., sensor.weather_*).

exclude_domains list (Optional)

The list of domains to be excluded from recording.

include_entities list (Optional)

The list of entity ids to be included from recordings. If set, all other entities will not be recorded. Values set by the exclude_* option will prevail.

include_entity_globs list (Optional)

Include all entities matching a listed pattern (e.g., sensor.weather_*). If set, all other entities will not be recorded. Values set by the exclude_* option will prevail.

include_domains list (Optional)

The list of domains to be included from recordings. If set, all other entities will not be recorded. Values set by the exclude_* option will prevail.

default_metric string (Optional)

Metric name to use when an entity doesn’t have a unit.


uses the entity id of the entity

override_metric string (Optional)

Metric name to use instead of unit or default metric. This will store all data points in a single metric.

component_config string (Optional)

This attribute contains integration-specific override values. See Customizing devices and services for format.

override_metric string (Optional)

Metric name to use instead of unit or default metric. This will store all data points in a single metric.

component_config_domain string (Optional)

This attribute contains domain-specific integration override values. See Customizing devices and services for format.

override_metric string (Optional)

Metric name to use instead of unit or default metric. This will store all data points in a single metric.

component_config_glob string (Optional)

This attribute contains integration-specific override values. See Customizing devices and services for format.

override_metric string (Optional)

Metric name to use instead of unit or default metric. This will store all data points in a single metric.

requires_auth boolean (Optional, default: true)

This makes authentication optional for the /api/prometheus endpoint.

Configure Filter

By default, no entity will be excluded. To limit which entities are being exposed to Prometheus, you can use the filter parameter.

# Example filter to include specified domains and exclude specified entities
      - alarm_control_panel
      - light
      - binary_sensor.*_occupancy
      - light.kitchen_light

Filters are applied as follows:

  1. No filter
    • All entities included
  2. Only includes
    • Entity listed in entities include: include
    • Otherwise, entity matches domain include: include
    • Otherwise, entity matches glob include: include
    • Otherwise: exclude
  3. Only excludes
    • Entity listed in exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise, entity matches domain exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise, entity matches glob exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise: include
  4. Domain and/or glob includes (may also have excludes)
    • Entity listed in entities include: include
    • Otherwise, entity listed in entities exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise, entity matches glob include: include
    • Otherwise, entity matches glob exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise, entity matches domain include: include
    • Otherwise: exclude
  5. Domain and/or glob excludes (no domain and/or glob includes)
    • Entity listed in entities include: include
    • Otherwise, entity listed in exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise, entity matches glob exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise, entity matches domain exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise: include
  6. No Domain and/or glob includes or excludes
    • Entity listed in entities include: include
    • Otherwise: exclude

The following characters can be used in entity globs:

* - The asterisk represents zero, one, or multiple characters ? - The question mark represents zero or one character

Full Example

Advanced configuration example:

# Advanced configuration.yaml entry
  namespace: hass
      override_metric: humidity_percent
      override_metric: temperature_c
      override_metric: temperature_c
      override_metric: battery_percent
      - sensor
      - sensor.weather_*

You can then configure Prometheus to fetch metrics from Home Assistant by adding to its scrape_configs configuration.

# Example Prometheus scrape_configs entry
  - job_name: "hass"
    scrape_interval: 60s
    metrics_path: /api/prometheus

    # Legacy api password
      api_password: ['PASSWORD']

    # Long-Lived Access Token
    bearer_token: "your.longlived.token"

    scheme: https
      - targets: ['HOSTNAME:8123']

Replace your.longlived.token with a Home Assistant generated token.

The format to configure the bearer token has changed in Prometheus 2.26, so if you have a newer version, you can use this configuration sample:

# Example Prometheus scrape_configs entry (For version 2.26+
  - job_name: "hass"
    scrape_interval: 60s
    metrics_path: /api/prometheus

    # Long-Lived Access Token
      credentials: "your.longlived.token"

    scheme: https
      - targets: ['HOSTNAME:8123']

When looking into the metrics on the Prometheus side, there will be:

  • All Home Assistant domains, which can be easily found through the common namespace prefix, if defined.
  • The client library provided metrics, which are a bunch of process_* and also a single pseudo-metric python_info which contains (not as value but as labels) information about the Python version of the client, i.e., the Home Assistant Python interpreter.

Typically, you will only be interested in the first set of metrics.

Metrics in unavailable or unknown states

When the Prometheus exporter starts (typically when Home Assistant starts), all non-excluded entities in an unavailable or unknown state are not be exported until they are available again. If the entity goes into state unavailable or unknown again, the value exported will always be the latest known one.

While an entity is in those states, the entity_available corresponding metric is set to 0. This metric can be used to filter out values while the entity is unavailable or in an unknown state thanks to a recording rule.

For example:

- record: "known_temperature_c"
  expr: "temperature_c unless entity_available == 0"

Supported metrics

Metrics are exported only for the following domains:

automation, binary_sensor, climate, cover, counter, device_tracker, fan, humidifier, input_boolean, input_number, light, lock, number, person, sensor, update, switch