

Home Assistant SkyConnect becomes Connect ZBT-1
Roadmap 2024 Midyear Update: A home-approved smart home, peace of mind, and more!
A roadmap for Home Assistant
Thinking Bigger: State of the Open Home 2024
What about Grace? Tune in to our special livestream next week!


Silicon Labs partners with Nabu Casa to support Open Source
HomeWizard joins Works With Home Assistant program
Home Assistant Green is now available
Security audits of Home Assistant
Expected support for Home Assistant OS on the Raspberry Pi 5
Home Assistant OS 11: Low-latency scheduler and VM snapshot improvements
10 years Home Assistant
Introducing Home Assistant Green: Your entry to Home Assistant
A refreshed logo for Home Assistant!
Celebrate 10 years with us
Home Assistant collaborates with KNX
Home Assistant OS 10: Better memory management and new board support
HomeSeer joins Works with Home Assistant
HELTUN joins Works with Home Assistant


2023: Home Assistant's year of Voice
Jasco joins Works with Home Assistant
Ultraloq joins Works with Home Assistant
Third Reality joins Works with Home Assistant
Short-term solutions on how to use smart home tech to save energy and money in Europe
The month of 'What the Heck?!' 2022
Leviton joins as a Works with Home Assistant partner
Introducing the Works with Home Assistant program
Matter in Home Assistant workshop announcement
Hey Insteon users!
Buying a device to run Home Assistant (April 2022 edition)
Content Trust with Home Assistant & Codenotary CAS
New Add-on for HomeMatic/homematicIP support - Action Required
Streamlining Experiences


100,000 installations in analytics!
Home Assistant Yellow
Supervisor update
Energy Management in Home Assistant
Power-up your ESP8266 and ESP32 projects: browser-based installation and configure Wi-Fi via Bluetooth LE
Nabu Casa has acquired ESPHome


Summing-up the month of 'What the heck?!'
One more thing…
The Supervisor joins the party
Home Assistant Tags
Happy 7th birthday Home Assistant! 🎉
The month of 'What the Heck?! (2020)'
Migrating the iOS Companion App to Nabu Casa
Installation Methods & Community Guides Wiki
Home Assistant Code of Conduct 2.0
[On hold] Deprecating Home Assistant Supervised on generic Linux
The future of YAML
Changing the Home Assistant Brand


HassOS 3 released! Raspberry Pi 4 support
State of the Union 2019: Recap
Almond & Ada: privacy-focused voice assistant
R.I.P Hassbian
Happy 6th Birthday
Home Assistant Cast
Piwheel issues with older versions of Raspbian/Hassbian
Home Assistant Cast (preview)
Update from the Field
Introducing Ingress
When will there be an official Home Assistant for Android app???
hass-cli 0.5: Area, Device Registry and event CLI
Introducing Home Assistant CLI aka. hass-cli


Launched: Data Science Portal
Thinking Big
New images, based on HassOS
New developer website
Our Google Assistant skill is live! 2018
Home Assistant 🤝 Ubiquiti Networks
Using Fedora Atomic with Home Assistant
Updated release schedule


Introducing Home Assistant Cloud
1 year and 22 days ago I had an idea...