
A floor in Home Assistant is a logical grouping of areas meant to match your home’s physical floors.

Devices and entities cannot be assigned to floors directly but to areas. Floors can be used in automations and scripts as a target for actions. For example, to turn off all the lights on the downstairs floor when you go to bed.

Creating a floor

Follow these steps to create a new floor.

  1. Go to Settings > Areas, labels & zones and select Create floor.

  2. In the dialog, enter the floor details:

    • Give the floor a Name (required).
    • Add a floor Level.
      • The number can be negative. For example for underground floors.
      • This number can later be used for sorting.
    • Add an icon (We use Material icons).
    • Add an Alias.
      • Aliases are alternative names used in voice assistants to refer to an entity, area, or floor.

    Create floor dialog

  3. Select Add.

    Result: A new floor is created.

    Create floor dialog

  4. You can now assign areas to that floor.

Deleting a floor

Follow these steps to delete a floor. Areas that are assigned to a floor will become unassigned. Automations and scripts or voice assistants that used a floor as a target will no longer work as they no longer have a target.

  1. Go to Settings > Areas, labels & zones.

  2. Next to the floor, select the three dots menu and select Delete floor.

    Screenshot showing the dialog to delete a floor

  3. If you have automations, scripts, or voice assistants that used floors as a target, you will need to update these.