Google Tasks

The Google Tasks integration allows you to connect your Google Tasks to Home Assistant. The integration adds a to-do list entity for each task list, allowing you to create, update, or delete items on the list from the To-do list dashboard.


The Google Tasks public API does not support viewing or setting the due time of tasks, only the due date.


You need to configure developer credentials to allow Home Assistant to access your Google Account. These credentials are the same as the ones for Nest and Google Mail. These are not the same as Device Auth credentials previously recommended for Google Calendar.

If you have already set up the correct credentials, you can do step 1 and then skip to step 13 on the below instructions.


To add the Google Tasks integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

The integration setup will next give you instructions to enter the Application Credentials (OAuth Client ID and Client Secret) and authorize Home Assistant to access your Google Tasks.


If you have an error with your credentials, you can delete them in the Application Credentials user interface.