Authentication providers


This is an advanced feature.

When you log in, an auth provider checks your credentials to make sure you are an authorized user.

Configuring auth providers


Home Assistant automatically configures the standard auth providers so you don’t need to specify auth_providers in your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file unless you are configuring more than one. Specifying auth_providers will disable all auth providers that are not listed, so you could reduce your security or create difficulties logging in if it is not configured correctly.

If you decide to use trusted_networks as your auth_provider there won’t be a way to authenticate for a device outside of your listed trusted network. To overcome this ensure you add the default auth_provider with type: homeassistant back in manually. This will then present you with the default auth login screen when trusted network authentication fails as expected from outside your LAN.

Authentication providers are configured in your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file under the homeassistant: block. If you are moving configuration to packages, this particular configuration must stay within ‘configuration.yaml’. See Issue 16441 in the warning block at the bottom of this page.

You can supply more than one, for example:

    - type: homeassistant
    - type: trusted_networks

Available auth providers

Home Assistant auth provider

This is the default auth provider. The first user created is designated as the owner and can create other users.

User details are stored in the [your config]/.storage directory. All passwords are stored hashed and with a salt, making it almost impossible for an attacker to figure out the password even if they have access to the file.

Users can be managed in Home Assistant by the owner. Go to the configuration panel and click on Users.

This is the entry in configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] for Home Assistant auth:

    - type: homeassistant

If you don’t specify any auth_providers section in the configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file then this provider will be set up automatically.

Trusted networks

The trusted networks auth provider defines a range of IP addresses for which no authentication will be required (also known as “allowlisting”). For example, you can allowlist your local network so you won’t be prompted for a password if you access Home Assistant from inside your home.

When you log in from one of these networks, you will be asked which user account to use and won’t need to enter a password.


The multi-factor authentication module will not participate in the login process if you are using this auth provider.


You cannot trust a network that you are using in any trusted_proxies. The trusted_networks authentication will fail with the message: Your computer is not allowed

Here is an example in configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] to set up Trusted Networks:

    - type: trusted_networks
        - fd00::/8

Configuration Variables

trusted_networks list Required

A list of IP addresses or an IP network you want allowlisted. It accepts both IPv4 and IPv6 IP address or network

trusted_users map (Optional)

You can also assign which users are available to select when user access login page from certain IP address or network.

USER_ID list | string (Optional)

List of user ids available to select on this IP address or network.

allow_bypass_login boolean (Optional, default: false)

You can bypass login page if you have only one user available for selection.

Trusted users examples

    - type: trusted_networks
        - fd00::/8
      trusted_users: user1_id
          - user1_id
          - user2_id
          - user1_id
          - group: system-users

First note, for trusted_users configuration you need to use user id, which you can find through Settings -> People -> View User Detail. The trusted_users configuration will not validate the existence of the user, so please make sure you have put in the correct user id by yourself.

Second note, a trusted user with an IPv6 address must put the IPv6 address in quotes as shown.

In above example, if user try to access Home Assistant from, they will have only one user available to choose. They will have two users available if access from (from network). If they access from network, they can choose from all available users (non-system and active users).

Specially, you can use group: GROUP_ID to assign all users in certain user group to be available to choose. Group and users can be mix and match.

Skip login page examples

This is a feature to allow you to bring back some of the experience before the user system was implemented. You can directly jump to the main page if you are accessing from trusted networks, the allow_bypass_login is on, and you have ONLY ONE available user to choose from in the login form.

If you allow bypass login then your cookie will not be stored and every time you refresh the page in Home Assistant a new login will be created. This is because bypassing the login does not give you the option to save the login.

# assuming you have only one non-system user
    - type: trusted_networks
        - ::1
      allow_bypass_login: true
    - type: homeassistant

Assuming you have only the owner created though onboarding process, no other users ever created. The above example configuration will allow you directly access Home Assistant main page if you access from your internal network ( or from localhost ( If you get a login abort error, then you can change to use Home Assistant Authentication Provider to login, if you access your Home Assistant instance from outside network.

Command line

The command line auth provider executes a configurable shell command to perform user authentication. Two environment variables, username and password, are passed to the command. Access is granted when the command exits successfully (with exit code 0).

This provider can be used to integrate Home Assistant with arbitrary external authentication services, from plaintext databases over LDAP to RADIUS. A compatible script for LDAP authentication is this one, for instance. Please note, this will only work when using the Home Assistant Core installation type.

Here is a configuration example:

    - type: command_line
      command: /absolute/path/to/command
      # Optionally, define a list of arguments to pass to the command.
      #args: ["--first", "--second"]
      # Uncomment to enable parsing of meta variables (see below).
      #meta: true

When meta: true is set in the auth provider’s configuration, your command can write some variables to standard output to populate the user account created in Home Assistant with additional data. These variables have to be printed in the form:

name = John Doe
group = system-users
local_only = true

Leading and trailing whitespace, as well as lines starting with # are ignored. The following variables are supported. More may be added in the future.

  • name: The real name of the user to be displayed in their profile.
  • group: The user group uses the value system-admin for administrator (this is the default) or system-users for regular users.
  • local_only: The user can only log in from the local network if you set the value to true. If you do not define this variable, the user can log in from anywhere.

Stderr is not read at all and just passed through to that of the Home Assistant process, hence you can use it for status messages or suchlike.


Any leading and trailing whitespace is stripped from usernames before they’re passed to the configured command. For instance, “ hello “ will be rewritten to just “hello”.


For now, meta variables are only respected the first time a particular user is authenticated. Upon subsequent authentications of the same user, the previously created user object with the old values is reused.