
The konnected integration lets you connect wired sensors and switches to a Konnected Alarm Panel, or NodeMCU ESP8226 based device running the open source Konnected software. Reuse the wired sensors and siren from an old or pre-wired alarm system installation and integrate them directly into Home Assistant.


This integration is deprecated in favor of Konnected’s ESPHome firmware and will not receive updates. ESPHome connects locally and natively to Home Assistant and doesn’t need this custom integration. If you are getting started with a Konnected device, do not use this integration. Instead, flash your device with ESPHome-based firmware for the Konnected Alarm Panel and Garage Door Opener.

Visit the Konnected.io website for more information about the Konnected Alarm Panel board and compatible hardware.


Always ensure your panel is running the latest firmware before connecting it to Home Assistant.

The integration currently supports the following device types in Home Assistant:

  • Binary sensor: Wired door and window sensors, motion detectors, glass-break detectors, leak sensors, smoke & CO detectors or any open/close switch.
  • Switch: Actuate a siren, strobe, buzzer or relay module.
  • Sensor: Periodic measurements from DHT temperature/humidity sensors and DS18B20 temperature sensors.

This integration uses the SSDP integration, which must be enabled for device discovery to work. If you don’t want to use SSDP you’ll need to manually provide the IP and Port information for each Konnected Panel. The IP/Port info can be found using the Konnected mobile app.


Konnected devices communicate with Home Assistant over your local LAN – there is no cloud component! For best performance we recommend allowing unsecured HTTP API traffic between Konnected devices and Home Assistant on your LAN. This means that you should not use the http integration to serve SSL/TLS certificates. Instead, use a proxy like NGINX or Caddy to serve SSL/TLS. Read more.


Web Interface

Starting with 0.106.0 Home Assistant requires UI based configuration of Konnected via Settings -> Devices & Services in the Home Assistant (web) frontend. If you have Konnected Alarm Panels on your LAN, or in your configuration.yaml, you will see one or more Konnected.io entries appear in the Discovered integrations list.

Selecting one of these discovered panels will guide you through connecting and configuring the panel. If your panel was discovered via SSDP, you shouldn’t need any information to complete configuration - simply confirm that the information displayed is correct. If the UI prompts you for IP/Port, you’ll need to enter it. IP/Port info can be found using the Konnected mobile app.


If you have an existing configuration.yaml completing the UI configuration will do a one time import of the settings contained in configuration.yaml. Once the import creates a Configured integration the Konnected section of the configuration.yaml is no longer used - it is recommended to remove the konnected section of configuration.yaml and after the import occurs. Any future changes to settings should occur via the settings provided in the Home Assistant web interface.

If you want to retain configuration.yaml and need to re-import any changes or updates you will need to delete the entry in Settings -> Devices & Services -> Configured and repeat the UI configuration for that device.

Once configuration is completed you’ll see a Konnected.io entry in Settings -> Devices & Services -> Configured. If you imported settings from configuration.yaml you are now done! If you are setting up a new Konnected Alarm Panel or modifying settings, you’ll need to utilize the settings UI to configure zone behavior.

Using Settings UI to Configure Zone Behavior

The settings for each panel can be accessed by selecting the entry in Settings -> Devices & Services -> Configured and then clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner. You can reconfigure these settings at any time and once completed the settings will be immediately applied.

The settings UI starts by having you configure the general behavior of each zone. You need to specify Disabled, Binary Sensor, Digital Sensor, or Switchable Output for each zone. After that, you’ll be prompted, for each zone that is not disabled, to configure details of the zones’ behavior. All zones will allow entry of a Name. Additional fields depend on how you configured the general behavior of the zone.
Note some zones do not support all behaviors. The UI will reflect specific options available to each zone.

Binary sensor:

Binary sensor type: The type of sensor connected to the zone.

Name (optional) The friendly name for the entity associated with the zone.

Invert the open/close state: Inverts the open/closed meaning of a binary sensor circuit. Commonly needed for normally open wired smoke alarm circuits.

Digital Sensor:

Sensor Type: The type of sensor connected to the zone - either dht or ds18b20.

Name (optional) The friendly name for the entities associated with the zone.

Poll Interval (optional): How often in minutes to poll the sensor for updates.

Switchable Output:

Name: (optional) The friendly name for the entity associated with the zone.

Output when on: The state of the switch when activated.

Pulse Duration (optional): The duration in ms to pulse the switch once activated.

Pause between pulses (optional): The duration in ms to wait between pulses when activated.

Times to repeat (optional): The number of times to repeat the pulse each time the switch is activated.

Configure additional states for this zone: Selecting “No” will complete configuration for the zone and proceed to options for the next zone. Select “Yes” if you need to create additional output states for this zone.

Using Settings UI to Configure Additional Panel Behavior

Once all zones are configured you’ll be presented with the configuration for additional panel behaviors.

Blink panel LED on when sending state change: The desired LED behavior for the panel.

Override default Home Assistant API host panel URL: The Konnected Alarm Panel post sensor states back to the Home Assistant API. If this value is unchecked the panel will default postbacks using the URL configured in Home Assistant. By default, the integration will use the internal URL. However, if you check this field and set the Override API host URL to your local IP address and port (e.g.,, it will be used instead of the internal URL.

Override API host URL (optional): The host info to use if you checked Override default Home Assistant API host panel URL in the step above. This is ignored if Override default Home Assistant API host panel URL is unchecked.

YAML configuration

If you prefer you can utilize a konnected section in the configuration.yaml file that specifies the Konnected devices on the network and the sensors or actuators attached to them. If using configuration.yaml the configuration will be one-time imported when going through the Configuration Flow for the panel. Note that you must still complete the UI based setup before the integration will be configured and entities created/accessible.

Details of the configuration fields and values can be found below.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    - id: 438a388bcd53
        - zone: 1
          type: door
        - zone: out
    - id: 8bcd53438a38
        - pin: 2
          type: door
        - pin: 5

Configuration Variables

access_token string Required

Any random string. This is used to ensure that only those devices which you have configured can authenticate to Home Assistant to change a device state.

api_host string (Optional, default: value of internal URL)

Override the IP address/host (and port number) of Home Assistant that the Konnected device(s) will use to communicate sensor state updates. If omitted, this is defaulted to the value of internal URL from the Home Assistant configuration is used.

devices list Required

A list of Konnected devices that you have on your network.

id string Required

The MAC address (Konnected Alarm Panel) or Device ID (Konnected Alarm Panel Pro) of the Konnected device. MAC addresses must be formatted with colons/punctuation removed, for example, 68c63a8bcd53. You can usually find the mac address in your router’s client list. Or, check the home-assistant.log for log messages from automatically discovered devices. Device ID can be found on the device Status Page which is accessible via the Konnected Mobile App.

binary_sensors list (Optional)

A list of binary sensors connected to the device. See Konnected Binary Sensor for configuration variables.

pin (Exclusive)
zone (Exclusive)
type Required

Any binary sensor class, typically door, window, motion or smoke.

name (Optional)

The name of the device used in the front end.


automatically generated

inverse boolean (Optional, default: false)

Inverts the open/closed meaning of a binary sensor circuit. Commonly needed for normally open wired smoke alarm circuits.

sensors list (Optional)

A list of digital sensors (currently supports DHT and DS18B20 sensors) connected to the device

pin (Exclusive)
zone (Exclusive)
name (Optional)

The name of the device used in the front end.


automatically generated

type Required

The type of sensor. Valid values are dht or ds18b20

poll_interval integer (Optional)

The frequency (in minutes) that the Konnected device will report sensor data. Minimum 1 minute. Note: this is only implemented for dht sensors.


not set (device default is 3 minutes)

switches list (Optional)

A list of actuators (on/off switches) connected to the device. See Konnected Switch for configuration variables.

pin (Exclusive)
zone (Exclusive)
name (Optional)

The name of the device used in the front end.


automatically generated

activation (Optional, default: high)

Either low or high to specify the state when the switch is turned on.

momentary (Optional)

Duration of the momentary pulse in milliseconds. To make a half-second momentary contact using a relay for a garage door opener, set this value to 500.

pause (Optional)

Time of the pause between pulses in milliseconds when also used with momentary and repeat. To make a door chime “beep” with piezo buzzer, set this value to 55, set momentary to 65, and repeat to 3 or 4.

repeat (Optional)

Number of times to repeat a momentary pulse. Set to -1 to make an infinite repeat. This is useful as an alarm or warning when used with a piezo buzzer.

host string (Optional)

Optionally specify the Konnected device’s IP address or hostname to set up without discovery.

port integer (Optional)

Optionally specify the port number for the Konnected API on the device. Note that the port is different on every device. See help.konnected.io to learn how to determine the port number.

discovery boolean (Optional, default: true)

Enable or disable discovery for this device. When true, the device will respond to discovery requests on your network. When false, the device will not respond to discovery requests, so it’s important that you set reserved IP for the device and configure the host and port here.

blink boolean (Optional, default: true)

Blink the blue LED upon successful transmission of a state change.

Configuration Notes

  • Either pin or zone is required for each actuator or sensor. Do not use both in the same definition.
  • pin represents the number corresponding to the IO index of the labeled pin on the NodeMCU dev board. See the NodeMCU GPIO documentation for more details. Valid values are 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Pin based configuration is only allowed with ESP8266 based devices.
  • Pin D8 or the out zone will only work when activation is set to high (the default).
  • zone represents the value corresponding to the labeled zone on the Konnected Alarm Panel boards. Valid zone values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and out for the Konnected Alarm Panel (out represents the dedicated ALARM/OUT terminal) and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, out1, alarm1, and alarm2_out2 for the Konnected Alarm Panel Pro.
  • The Konnected Alarm Panel Pro does not support configuration via pin.

Extended Configuration

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    - id: 6001948bcd53
        - zone: 1
          type: door
          name: "Front Door"
        - zone: 2
          type: smoke
          name: "Bedroom Smoke Detector"
          inverse: true
        - zone: 3
          type: motion
          name: "Test Motion"
        - zone: out
          name: siren
        - zone: 5
          name: "Beep Beep"
          momentary: 65
          pause: 55
          repeat: 4
        - zone: 5
          name: Warning
          momentary: 65
          pause: 55
          repeat: -1
    - id: 5ccf7f438a38
        - pin: 1
          type: motion
          name: Office Motion
        - pin: 2
          type: door
          name: Office Door
        - pin: 5
          name: Garage Door
          activation: low
          momentary: 500
        - pin: 8
          name: LED Light
        - pin: 6
          name: Kitchen
          type: dht

Unique IDs and the Entity Registry

Beginning in Home Assistant release 0.90, unique IDs are generated for each sensor or switch entity. This enables end users to modify the entity names and entity IDs through the Home Assistant UI at Settings -> Devices & Services -> Entities.

Unique IDs are internally generated as follows:

Binary Sensors: {mac-address}-{zone-number}

Switches: {mac-address}-{unique-hash}*

DHT Sensors: {mac-address}-{pin-number}-{temperature|humidity}

DS18B20 Sensors: {sensor-serial-number}

* Switches are identified by a unique hash including the pin number, momentary, pause, and repeat values. If these values are modified, a new entity will be created and the old entity must be removed manually from the Entity Registry.

Pin Mapping

Konnected runs on an ESP8266 board with the NodeMCU firmware. It is commonly used with the NodeMCU dev kit Wi-Fi module and optionally Konnected’s Alarm Panel hardware. The following table shows the pin mapping between the Konnected hardware labeled zones, the NodeMCU labeled pins and the ESP8266 GPIO pins.

Konnected Alarm Panel Zone NodeMCU pin IO Index ESP8266 GPIO
1 D1 1 GPIO5
2 D2 2 GPIO4
3 D5 5 GPIO14
4 D6 6 GPIO12
5 D7 7 GPIO13
6 RX 9 GPIO3

Binary Sensor

The konnected binary sensor allows you to monitor wired door sensors, window sensors, motion sensors, smoke detectors, CO detectors, glass-break sensors, water leak sensors or any other simple wired open/close circuit attached to a NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi module running the open source Konnected software.

This integration supports all of the built-in device classes of the generic Binary Sensor integration.


The konnected switch platform allows you to actuate an alarm system siren, strobe light, buzzer or any other wired device using a Konnected Alarm Panel board or relay module and a NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi module running the open source Konnected software.