
The humidifier integration is built for the controlling and monitoring of humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and hygrostat devices.


Building block integration

This humidifier is a building block integration that cannot be added to your Home Assistant directly but is used and provided by other integrations.

A building block integration differs from the typical integration that connects to a device or service. Instead, other integrations that do integrate a device or service into Home Assistant use this humidifier building block to provide entities, services, and other functionality that you can use in your automations or dashboards.

If one of your integrations features this building block, this page documents the functionality the humidifier building block offers.

Device class

A device class is a measurement categorization in Home Assistant. It influences how the entity is represented in the dashboard. This can be modified in the customize section. For example, different states may be represented by different icons, colors, or text.

The screenshot shows different text and UI for different device classes for humidifiers:

Humidifier device classes.

The following device classes are supported for humidifiers:

  • Humidifier: Adds humidity to the air around it.
  • Dehumidifier: Removes humidity from the air around it.


Humidifier services

Available services: humidifier.set_mode, humidifier.set_humidity, humidifier.turn_on, humidifier.turn_off, humidifier.toggle


Not all humidifier services may be available for your platform. Be sure to check the available services Home Assistant has enabled by checking the Services page in the Developer Tools.

Service humidifier.set_mode

Set mode for the humidifier device. This service is only available if the device supports operating in several working modes. The list of available modes and the device functionality in every mode depend on the device itself.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_id’s of humidifier devices to control.
mode no New mode.

Automation example

    - platform: time
      at: "07:15:00"
    - service: humidifier.set_mode
        entity_id: humidifier.bedroom
        mode: "eco"

Service humidifier.set_humidity

Set target humidity of the humidifier device

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_id’s of humidifier devices to control.
humidity no New target humidity for humidifier device

Automation example

    - platform: time
      at: "07:15:00"
    - service: humidifier.set_humidity
        entity_id: humidifier.bedroom
        humidity: 60

Service humidifier.turn_on

Turn the humidifier device on.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_id’s of humidifier devices to control.

Service humidifier.turn_off

Turn the humidifier device off.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_id’s of humidifier devices to control.

Service humidifier.toggle

Toggle the humidifier device on/off.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_id’s of humidifier devices to control.