WeatherFlow Cloud

The WeatherFlow Cloud integration provides access to cloud provided Weather Forecast of a user’s Tempest Weather Stations. In order to access the station, you will need to configure the integration with an Api Key.


To add the WeatherFlow Cloud integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Weather icons

There is not a straight 1-1 mapping between the Home Assistant supported weather conditions and what tempest provides - as such you may see a difference between what is displayed in the tempest app and what is displayed in Home Assistant.

Weather Flow icon Home Assistant icon
clear-day sunny
clear-night clear-night
cloudy cloudy
foggy fog
partly-cloudy-day partlycloudy
partly-cloudy-night partlycloudy
possibly-rainy-day rainy
possibly-rainy-night rainy
possibly-sleet-day snowy-rainy
possibly-sleet-night snowy-rainy
possibly-snow-day snowy
possibly-snow-night snowy
possibly-thunderstorm-day lightning-rainy
possibly-thunderstorm-night lightning-rainy
rainy rainy
sleet snowy-rainy
snow snowy
thunderstorm lightning
windy windy