Telegram bot
Use Telegram on your mobile or desktop device to send and receive messages or commands to/from your Home Assistant.
This integration creates notification actions to send, or edit previously sent, messages from a Telegram Bot account
If you don’t need to receive messages, you can use the broadcast platform instead.
Notification actions
Available actions: send_message
, send_photo
, send_video
, send_animation
, send_voice
, send_sticker
, send_document
, send_location
, edit_message
, edit_caption
, edit_replymarkup
, answer_callback_query
, delete_message
and leave_chat
Actions that send contents (send_*
) will return a list of message_id
for messages delivered (in a property called chats
). This will populate Response Data that you can further utilize in your automations to edit/delete the message later based on the message_id
. See the example later on this page for usage instructions.
Action telegram_bot.send_message
Send a notification.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
message |
no | Message body of the notification. |
title |
yes | Optional title for your notification. Will be composed as ‘%title\n%message’. |
target |
yes | An array of pre-authorized chat_ids or user_ids to send the notification to. Defaults to the first allowed chat_id. |
parse_mode |
yes | Parser for the message text: markdownv2 , html , markdown or plain_text . |
disable_notification |
yes | True/false for send the message silently. iOS users and web users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound. Defaults to False. |
disable_web_page_preview |
yes | True/false for disable link previews for links in the message. |
resize_keyboard |
yes | True/false for resizing the keyboard vertically for optimal fit. Defaults to False. |
one_time_keyboard |
yes | True/false for hiding the keyboard as soon as it’s been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter keyboard in the chat - the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again. Defaults to False. |
keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard. [] to reset to no custom keyboard. Example: ["/command1, /command2", "/command3"]
inline_keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data or external URL (https-only). Example: ["/button1, /button2", "/button3"] or [[["Text btn1", "/button1"], ["Text btn2", "/button2"]], [["Google link", ""]]]
message_tag |
yes | Tag for sent message. In telegram_sent event data: {{}}
reply_to_message_id |
yes | Mark the message as a reply to a previous message. In telegram_callback handling, for example, you can use {{ }}
message_thread_id |
yes | Send the message to a specific topic or thread. |
Action telegram_bot.send_photo
Send a photo.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
url |
no | Remote path to an image. |
file |
no | Local path to an image. |
caption |
yes | The title of the image. |
username |
yes | Username for a URL which requires HTTP authentication. |
password |
yes | Password (or bearer token) for a URL which require HTTP authentication. |
authentication |
yes | Define which authentication method to use. Set to digest to use HTTP digest authentication, or bearer_token for OAuth 2.0 bearer token authentication. Defaults to basic . |
target |
yes | An array of pre-authorized chat_ids or user_ids to send the notification to. Defaults to the first allowed chat_id. |
parse_mode |
yes | Parser for the message text: markdownv2 , html , markdown or plain_text . |
disable_notification |
yes | True/false for send the message silently. iOS users and web users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound. Defaults to False. |
verify_ssl |
yes | True/false for checking the SSL certificate of the server for HTTPS URLs. Defaults to True. |
timeout |
yes | Timeout for sending photo in seconds. Will help with timeout errors (poor internet connection, etc) |
resize_keyboard |
yes | True/false for resizing the keyboard vertically for optimal fit. Defaults to False. |
one_time_keyboard |
yes | True/false for hiding the keyboard as soon as it’s been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat - the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again. Defaults to False. |
keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard. [] to reset to no custom keyboard. Example: ["/command1, /command2", "/command3"]
inline_keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data or external URL (https-only). Example: ["/button1, /button2", "/button3"] or [[["Text btn1", "/button1"], ["Text btn2", "/button2"]], [["Google link", ""]]]
message_tag |
yes | Tag for sent message. In telegram_sent event data: {{}}
reply_to_message_id |
yes | Mark the message as a reply to a previous message. In telegram_callback handling, for example, you can use {{ }}
message_thread_id |
yes | Send the message to a specific topic or thread. |
Action telegram_bot.send_video
Send a video.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
url |
no | Remote path to a video. |
file |
no | Local path to a video. |
caption |
yes | The title of the video. |
username |
yes | Username for a URL which requires HTTP authentication. |
password |
yes | Password (or bearer token) for a URL which require HTTP authentication. |
authentication |
yes | Define which authentication method to use. Set to digest to use HTTP digest authentication, or bearer_token for OAuth 2.0 bearer token authentication. Defaults to basic . |
target |
yes | An array of pre-authorized chat_ids or user_ids to send the notification to. Defaults to the first allowed chat_id. |
parse_mode |
yes | Parser for the message text: markdownv2 , html , markdown or plain_text . |
disable_notification |
yes | True/false to send the message silently. iOS users and web users will not receive a notification. Android users will receive a notification with no sound. Defaults to False. |
verify_ssl |
yes | True/false for checking the SSL certificate of the server for HTTPS URLs. Defaults to True. |
timeout |
yes | Timeout for sending video in seconds. Will help with timeout errors (poor internet connection, etc) |
resize_keyboard |
yes | True/false for resizing the keyboard vertically for optimal fit. Defaults to False. |
one_time_keyboard |
yes | True/false for hiding the keyboard as soon as it’s been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat - the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again. Defaults to False. |
keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard. [] to reset to no custom keyboard. Example: ["/command1, /command2", "/command3"]
inline_keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data or external URL (https-only). Example: ["/button1, /button2", "/button3"] or [[["Text btn1", "/button1"], ["Text btn2", "/button2"]], [["Google link", ""]]]
reply_to_message_id |
yes | Mark the message as a reply to a previous message. In telegram_callback handling, for example, you can use {{ }}
message_thread_id |
yes | Send the message to a specific topic or thread. |
Action telegram_bot.send_animation
Send an animation.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
url |
no | Remote path to a GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound. |
file |
no | Local path to a GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound. |
caption |
yes | The title of the animation. |
username |
yes | Username for a URL which requires HTTP authentication. |
password |
yes | Password (or bearer token) for a URL which require HTTP authentication. |
authentication |
yes | Define which authentication method to use. Set to digest to use HTTP digest authentication, or bearer_token for OAuth 2.0 bearer token authentication. Defaults to basic . |
target |
yes | An array of pre-authorized chat_ids or user_ids to send the notification to. Defaults to the first allowed chat_id. |
parse_mode |
yes | Parser for the message text: markdownv2 , html , markdown or plain_text . |
disable_notification |
yes | True/false to send the message silently. iOS users and web users will not receive a notification. Android users will receive a notification with no sound. Defaults to False. |
verify_ssl |
yes | True/false for checking the SSL certificate of the server for HTTPS URLs. Defaults to True. |
timeout |
yes | Timeout for sending video in seconds. Will help with timeout errors (poor internet connection, etc) |
resize_keyboard |
yes | True/false for resizing the keyboard vertically for optimal fit. Defaults to False. |
one_time_keyboard |
yes | True/false for hiding the keyboard as soon as it’s been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat - the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again. Defaults to False. |
keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard. [] to reset to no custom keyboard. Example: ["/command1, /command2", "/command3"]
inline_keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data or external URL (https-only). Example: ["/button1, /button2", "/button3"] or [[["Text btn1", "/button1"], ["Text btn2", "/button2"]], [["Google link", ""]]]
message_tag |
yes | Tag for sent message. In telegram_sent event data: {{}}
reply_to_message_id |
yes | Mark the message as a reply to a previous message. In telegram_callback handling, for example, you can use {{ }}
message_thread_id |
yes | Send the message to a specific topic or thread. |
Action telegram_bot.send_voice
Send a voice message.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
url |
no | Remote path to a voice message. |
file |
no | Local path to a voice message. |
caption |
yes | The title of the voice message. |
username |
yes | Username for a URL which requires HTTP authentication. |
password |
yes | Password (or bearer token) for a URL which require HTTP authentication. |
authentication |
yes | Define which authentication method to use. Set to digest to use HTTP digest authentication, or bearer_token for OAuth 2.0 bearer token authentication. Defaults to basic . |
target |
yes | An array of pre-authorized chat_ids or user_ids to send the notification to. Defaults to the first allowed chat_id. |
disable_notification |
yes | True/false to send the message silently. iOS users and web users will not receive a notification. Android users will receive a notification with no sound. Defaults to False. |
verify_ssl |
yes | True/false for checking the SSL certificate of the server for HTTPS URLs. Defaults to True. |
timeout |
yes | Timeout for sending voice in seconds. Will help with timeout errors (poor internet connection, etc) |
resize_keyboard |
yes | True/false for resizing the keyboard vertically for optimal fit. Defaults to False. |
one_time_keyboard |
yes | True/false for hiding the keyboard as soon as it’s been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat - the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again. Defaults to False. |
keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard. [] to reset to no custom keyboard. Example: ["/command1, /command2", "/command3"]
inline_keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data or external URL (https-only). Example: ["/button1, /button2", "/button3"] or [[["Text btn1", "/button1"], ["Text btn2", "/button2"]], [["Google link", ""]]]
message_tag |
yes | Tag for sent message. In telegram_sent event data: {{}}
reply_to_message_id |
yes | Mark the message as a reply to a previous message. In telegram_callback handling, for example, you can use {{ }}
message_thread_id |
yes | Send the message to a specific topic or thread. |
Action telegram_bot.send_sticker
Send a sticker.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
url |
no | Remote path to a static .webp or animated .tgs sticker. |
file |
no | Local path to a static .webp or animated .tgs sticker. |
sticker_id |
no | ID of a sticker that exists on telegram servers. The ID can be found by sending a sticker to your bot and querying the telegram-api method getUpdates |
username |
yes | Username for a URL which requires HTTP authentication. |
password |
yes | Password (or bearer token) for a URL which require HTTP authentication. |
authentication |
yes | Define which authentication method to use. Set to digest to use HTTP digest authentication, or bearer_token for OAuth 2.0 bearer token authentication. Defaults to basic . |
target |
yes | An array of pre-authorized chat_ids or user_ids to send the notification to. Defaults to the first allowed chat_id. |
disable_notification |
yes | True/false for send the message silently. iOS users and web users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound. Defaults to False. |
verify_ssl |
yes | True/false for checking the SSL certificate of the server for HTTPS URLs. Defaults to True. |
timeout |
yes | Timeout for sending photo in seconds. Will help with timeout errors (poor internet connection, etc) |
resize_keyboard |
yes | True/false for resizing the keyboard vertically for optimal fit. Defaults to False. |
one_time_keyboard |
yes | True/false for hiding the keyboard as soon as it’s been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat - the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again. Defaults to False. |
keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard. [] to reset to no custom keyboard. Example: ["/command1, /command2", "/command3"]
inline_keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data or external URL (https-only). Example: ["/button1, /button2", "/button3"] or [[["Text btn1", "/button1"], ["Text btn2", "/button2"]], [["Google link", ""]]]
message_tag |
yes | Tag for sent message. In telegram_sent event data: {{}}
reply_to_message_id |
yes | Mark the message as a reply to a previous message. In telegram_callback handling, for example, you can use {{ }}
message_thread_id |
yes | Send the message to a specific topic or thread. |
Action telegram_bot.send_document
Send a document.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
url |
no | Remote path to a document. |
file |
no | Local path to a document. |
caption |
yes | The title of the document. |
username |
yes | Username for a URL which requires HTTP authentication. |
password |
yes | Password (or bearer token) for a URL which require HTTP authentication. |
authentication |
yes | Define which authentication method to use. Set to digest to use HTTP digest authentication, or bearer_token for OAuth 2.0 bearer token authentication. Defaults to basic . |
target |
yes | An array of pre-authorized chat_ids or user_ids to send the notification to. Defaults to the first allowed chat_id. |
parse_mode |
yes | Parser for the message text: markdownv2 , html , markdown or plain_text . |
disable_notification |
yes | True/false for send the message silently. iOS users and web users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound. Defaults to False. |
verify_ssl |
yes | True/false for checking the SSL certificate of the server for HTTPS URLs. Defaults to True. |
timeout |
yes | Timeout for sending document in seconds. Will help with timeout errors (poor internet connection, etc) |
resize_keyboard |
yes | True/false for resizing the keyboard vertically for optimal fit. Defaults to False. |
one_time_keyboard |
yes | True/false for hiding the keyboard as soon as it’s been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat - the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again. Defaults to False. |
keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard. [] to reset to no custom keyboard. Example: ["/command1, /command2", "/command3"]
inline_keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data or external URL (https-only). Example: ["/button1, /button2", "/button3"] or [[["Text btn1", "/button1"], ["Text btn2", "/button2"]], [["Google link", ""]]]
message_tag |
yes | Tag for sent message. In telegram_sent event data: {{}}
reply_to_message_id |
yes | Mark the message as a reply to a previous message. In telegram_callback handling, for example, you can use {{ }}
message_thread_id |
yes | Send the message to a specific topic or thread. |
Action telegram_bot.send_location
Send a location.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
latitude |
no | The latitude to send. |
longitude |
no | The longitude to send. |
target |
yes | An array of pre-authorized chat_ids or user_ids to send the notification to. Defaults to the first allowed chat_id . |
disable_notification |
yes | True/false for send the message silently. iOS users and web users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound. Defaults to False. |
resize_keyboard |
yes | True/false for resizing the keyboard vertically for optimal fit. Defaults to False. |
one_time_keyboard |
yes | True/false for hiding the keyboard as soon as it’s been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat - the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again. Defaults to False. |
keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard. [] to reset to no custom keyboard. Example: ["/command1, /command2", "/command3"]
inline_keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data or external URL (https-only). Example: ["/button1, /button2", "/button3"] or [[["Text btn1", "/button1"], ["Text btn2", "/button2"]], [["Google link", ""]]]
message_tag |
yes | Tag for sent message. In telegram_sent event data: {{}}
reply_to_message_id |
yes | Mark the message as a reply to a previous message. In telegram_callback handling, for example, you can use {{ }}
message_thread_id |
yes | Send the message to a specific topic or thread. |
Action telegram_bot.send_poll
Send a poll.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
question |
no | Poll question, 1-300 characters. |
options |
no | List of answer options, 2-10 strings 1-100 characters each. |
target |
yes | An array of pre-authorized chat_ids or user_ids to send the notification to. Defaults to the first allowed chat_id . |
is_anonymous |
yes | True/false for if the poll needs to be anonymous, defaults to True. |
allows_multiple_answers |
yes | True/false for if the poll allows multiple answers, defaults to False. |
open_period |
yes | Amount of time in seconds the poll will be active after creation, 5-600. |
disable_notification |
yes | True/false for send the message silently. iOS users and web users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound. Defaults to False. |
timeout |
yes | Timeout for sending voice in seconds. Will help with timeout errors (poor internet connection, etc) |
reply_to_message_id |
yes | Mark the message as a reply to a previous message. In telegram_callback handling, for example, you can use {{ }}
message_thread_id |
yes | Send the message to a specific topic or thread. |
Action telegram_bot.edit_message
Edit a previously sent message in a conversation.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
message_id |
no | Id of the message to edit. When answering a callback from a pressed button, the id of the origin message is in: {{ }} . You can use "last" to refer to the last message sent to chat_id . |
chat_id |
no | The chat_id where to edit the message. |
message |
no | Message body of the notification. |
title |
yes | Optional title for your notification. Will be composed as ‘%title\n%message’. |
parse_mode |
yes | Parser for the message text: markdownv2 , html , markdown or plain_text . |
disable_web_page_preview |
yes | True/false for disable link previews for links in the message. |
inline_keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data or external URL (https-only). Example: ["/button1, /button2", "/button3"] or [[["Text btn1", "/button1"], ["Text btn2", "/button2"]], [["Google link", ""]]]
Action telegram_bot.edit_caption
Edit the caption of a previously sent message.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
message_id |
no | Id of the message to edit. When answering a callback from a pressed button, the id of the origin message is in: {{ }} . You can use "last" to refer to the last message sent to chat_id . |
chat_id |
no | The chat_id where to edit the caption. |
caption |
no | Message body of the notification. |
disable_web_page_preview |
yes | True/false for disable link previews for links in the message. |
inline_keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data or external URL (https-only). Example: ["/button1, /button2", "/button3"] or [[["Text btn1", "/button1"], ["Text btn2", "/button2"]], [["Google link", ""]]]
Action telegram_bot.edit_replymarkup
Edit the inline keyboard of a previously sent message.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
message_id |
no | Id of the message to edit. When answering a callback from a pressed button, the id of the origin message is in: {{ }} . You can use "last" to refer to the last message sent to chat_id . |
chat_id |
no | The chat_id where to edit the reply_markup. |
disable_web_page_preview |
yes | True/false for disable link previews for links in the message. |
inline_keyboard |
yes | List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data or external URL (https-only). Example: ["/button1, /button2", "/button3"] or [[["Text btn1", "/button1"], ["Text btn2", "/button2"]], [["Google link", ""]]]
Action telegram_bot.answer_callback_query
Respond to a callback query originated by clicking on an online keyboard button. The answer will be displayed to the user as a notification at the top of the chat screen or as an alert.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
message |
no | Unformatted text message body of the notification. |
callback_query_id |
no | Unique id of the callback response. In the telegram_callback event data: {{ }}
show_alert |
yes | True/false for show a permanent notification. Defaults to False. |
Action telegram_bot.delete_message
Delete a previously sent message in a conversation.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
message_id |
no | Id of the message to delete. When answering a callback from a pressed button, the id of the origin message is in: {{ }} . You can use "last" to refer to the last message sent to chat_id . |
chat_id |
no | The chat_id where to delete the message. |
Action telegram_bot.leave_chat
Remove the bot from the chat group where it was added.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
chat_id |
no | The chat_id from where to remove the bot. |
Telegram notification platform
The telegram
notification platform requires the telegram_bot
integration to work with, and it’s designed to generate a customized shortcut (notify.USERNAME
) to send notifications (messages, photos, documents and locations) to a particular chat_id
with the old syntax, allowing backward compatibility. The data attributes parse_mode
, disable_notification
, message_tag
and disable_web_page_preview
are also supported.
The required YAML configuration now reduces to:
- platform: telegram
chat_id: USER_CHAT_ID
Event triggering
A command looks like /thecommand
or /othercommand with some args
When received by Home Assistant it will fire a telegram_command
event on the event bus with the following event_data
command: "/thecommand"
args: "<any other text following the command>"
from_first: "<first name of the sender>"
from_last: "<last name of the sender>"
user_id: "<id of the sender>"
chat_id: "<origin chat id>"
chat: "<chat info>"
date: "<message timestamp>"
message_thread_id: "<message thread id>"
Any other message not starting with /
will be processed as simple text, firing a telegram_text
event on the event bus with the following event_data
text: "some text received"
from_first: "<first name of the sender>"
from_last: "<last name of the sender>"
user_id: "<id of the sender>"
chat_id: "<origin chat id>"
chat: "<chat info>"
date: "<message timestamp>"
message_thread_id: "<message thread id>"
If the message is sent from a press from an inline buttontelegram_callback
event with:
data: "<data associated to action callback>"
message: <message origin of the action callback>
from_first: "<first name of the sender>"
from_last: "<last name of the sender>"
user_id: "<id of the sender>"
id: "<unique id of the callback>"
chat_instance: "<chat instance>"
chat_id: "<origin chat id>"
Configuration samples
Simple ping pong example.
alias: "Telegram bot that reply pong to ping"
- trigger: event
event_type: telegram_command
command: "/ping"
- action: notify.notify
message: "pong"
An example that shows keyboard interaction with notify.telegram
- trigger: event
event_type: telegram_command
command: "/start"
- action: notify.telegram
message: "commands"
- '/ping, /alarm'
- '/siren'
and an automation to trigger a related command “/siren”.
- trigger: event
event_type: telegram_command
command: "/siren"
- action: homeassistant.turn_on
entity_id: switch.vision_zm1601eu5_battery_operated_siren_switch_9_0
- delay:
seconds: 10
- action: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: switch.vision_zm1601eu5_battery_operated_siren_switch_9_0
An example to show the use of event_data in action:
- alias: "Kitchen Telegram Speak"
- trigger: event
event_type: telegram_command
command: "/speak"
- action: notify.kitchen_echo
message: >
Message from {{["from_first"] }}. {% for state in["args"] %} {{ state }} {% endfor %}
Sample automations with callback queries and inline keyboards
A quick example to show some of the callback capabilities of inline keyboards with a dumb automation consisting in a simple repeater of normal text that presents an inline keyboard with 3 buttons: ‘EDIT’, ‘NO’ and ‘REMOVE BUTTON’:
- Pressing ‘EDIT’ changes the sent message.
- Pressing ‘NO’ only shows a brief notification (answering the callback query).
- Pressing ‘REMOVE BUTTON’ changes the inline keyboard removing that button.
Text repeater:
- alias: "Telegram bot that repeats text"
- trigger: event
event_type: telegram_text
- action: telegram_bot.send_message
title: "*Dumb automation*"
target: "{{ }}"
message: "You said: {{ }}"
disable_notification: true
- "Edit message:/edit_msg, Don't:/do_nothing"
- "Remove this button:/remove_button"
Message editor:
- alias: "Telegram bot that edits the last sent message"
- trigger: event
event_type: telegram_callback
command: "/edit_msg"
- action: telegram_bot.answer_callback_query
callback_query_id: "{{ }}"
message: "Editing the message!"
show_alert: true
- action: telegram_bot.edit_message
message_id: "{{ }}"
chat_id: "{{ }}"
title: "*Message edit*"
- "Edit message:/edit_msg, Don't:/do_nothing"
- "Remove this button:/remove_button"
message: >
Callback received from {{ }}.
Message id: {{ }}.
Data: {{|replace("_", "\_") }}
Keyboard editor:
- alias: "Telegram bot that edits the keyboard"
- trigger: event
event_type: telegram_callback
command: "/remove_button"
- action: telegram_bot.answer_callback_query
callback_query_id: "{{ }}"
message: "Callback received for editing the inline keyboard!"
- action: telegram_bot.edit_replymarkup
message_id: "last"
chat_id: "{{ }}"
- "Edit message:/edit_msg, Don't:/do_nothing"
Only acknowledges the ‘NO’ answer:
- alias: "Telegram bot that simply acknowledges"
- trigger: event
event_type: telegram_callback
command: "/do_nothing"
- action: telegram_bot.answer_callback_query
callback_query_id: "{{ }}"
message: "OK, you said no!"
Telegram callbacks also support arguments and commands the same way as normal messages.
- alias: "Telegram bot repeats arguments on callback query"
- trigger: event
event_type: telegram_callback
command: "/repeat"
- action: telegram_bot.answer_callback_query
show_alert: true
callback_query_id: "{{ }}"
message: "I repeat: {{['args']}}"
In this case, having a callback with /repeat 1 2 3
will pop a notification saying I repeat: [1, 2, 3]
Receiving chat_id
and message_id
identifiers of sent messages by the telegram_bot
- alias: 'Notifications about messages sent by Telegram bot'
- trigger: event
event_type: telegram_sent
message_tag: "msg_start"
- action: input_number.set_value
entity_id: input_number.chat_id
value: "{{ }}"
- action: input_number.set_value
entity_id: input_number.message_id
value: "{{ }}"
Example: send_message with formatted Text
- action: notify.telegrambot
title: Example Message
message: 'Message with *BOLD*, _ITALIC_ and `MONOSPACE` Text'
Example: send_message with message tag
- action: notify.telegrambot
title: Example Message
message: "Message with tag"
message_tag: "example_tag"
Example: send_message with disabled webpage preview:
- action: notify.telegram
message: >-
<a href="">HA site</a>
parse_mode: html
disable_web_page_preview: true
Example: automation to send a message and delete after a delay
alias: telegram send message and delete
- action: telegram_bot.send_message
message: testing
response_variable: response
- delay:
seconds: 5
- repeat:
- action: telegram_bot.delete_message
message_id: "{{ repeat.item.message_id }}"
chat_id: "{{ repeat.item.chat_id }}"
for_each: "{{ response.chats }}"