
The Discord service is a platform for the notify integration. This allows integrations to send messages to the user using Discord.


Creating a Discord Application

In order to create a bot user a Discord Application is required. Go to the Discord My Apps page and create a new application.

When setting up the application you can use this icon.

Once the application is ready, create a bot user (Create a Bot User).

Retrieve the Application ID from the ‘General Information’ section and the (hidden) Token of your bot for later.


The name you give your application on the Discord My Apps page will determine the name of the notify service. For example: if you enter “Discord Chat”, the service will be named notify.discord_chat.

Setting up the bot

Bots can send messages to servers and users or attach locally available images. To add the bot to a server you are an admin on, use the Application ID you noted above, found on the Discord My Apps page.

Screenshot of Discord bot config

Next, decide what permissions your bot will have within your server. Under the ‘Bot’ section, select the permissions you want to grant and copy the permissions integer from the bottom field.

Screenshot of Discord bot permissions

Now use the Discord Authorization page with the Application ID of your application and the Permissions Integer.


Screenshot of Discord bot auth

Wait for the confirmation which should say “Authorized”.

Once the bot has been added to your server, get the channel ID of the channel you want the bot to operate in. Open Discord and go to User Settings > Advanced > Enable Developer Mode. User settings can be found next to your username in Discord.

Screenshot of Discord bot create prompt

Right click channel name and copy the channel ID (Copy ID).

This channel or a user ID has to be used as the target when calling the notification service. Multiple channel or user IDs can be specified, across multiple servers or direct messages.

Add Discord integration to Home Assistant


To add the Discord service to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

When adding the Discord integration, you will be asked for an API Key. Enter the hidden Token of your bot to link your Discord integration to the bot you created and allow Home Assistant to send messages as that bot.

Set Message entry

The message field treats all input as literal text, including quotation marks.

For example: message: Hello, world! will appear exactly as is, while message: "Hello, world!" will include the quotation marks in the message.

Set Channel IDs as necessary

The target field is for the channel IDs where the message should be sent. Accepted data type is string for a single channel or string[] for multiple channels.

For example: "someChannelID" or ["someChannelID", "anotherChannelID"]

Pinging users, roles, or linking to other channels in the same server

You can use standard Discord methods to ping users, roles, and channels within the server.

Type Format
User <@userID>
Role <@&roleID>
Channel <#channelID>

Discord service data

The following attributes can be placed inside the data key of the service call for extended functionality:

Attribute Optional Description
images yes The file(s) to attach to message.
urls yes The file(s) to download from a remote URL and attach to message.
verify_ssl yes A boolean to determine if SSL certs should be verified when calling the remote URLs in the url attribute. Defaults to True.
embed yes Array of Discord embeds. NOTE: if using embed, message is still required.

To include messages with embedding, use these attributes underneath the embed key:

Attribute Optional Description
title yes Title of the embed.
description yes Description of the embed.
color yes Color code of the embed. This value is an int.
url yes URL of the embed.
author yes Sets the footer for the embed content.
footer yes Sets the footer for the embed content.
thumbnail yes Sets the thumbnail for the embed content.
image yes Sets the image for the embed content.
fields yes Adds a field to the embed object. name and value are required, inline is true by default.

Example service call

- service: notify.discord
    message: "A message from Home Assistant"
    target: ["1234567890", "0987654321"]
      - "/tmp/garage_cam"
      - "/tmp/garage.jpg"

Example service call with attachments sourced from remote URLs

- service: notify.discord
    message: "A message from Home Assistant"
    target: ["1234567890", "0987654321"]
      verify_ssl: False
      - "https://example.com/image.jpg"
      - "https://example.com/video.mp4"

Note that verify_ssl defaults to True, and that any remote hosts will need to be in your allowlist_external_urls list. Discord limits attachment size to 8MB, so anything exceeding this will be skipped and noted in the error log.

Example embed service call

- service: notify.discord
    message: ""
    target: ["1234567890", "0987654321"]
        title: 'title'
        description: 'description'
        url: 'https://www.home-assistant.io'
        color: 199363
          name: 'Author Home Assistant'
          url: 'https://www.home-assistant.io'
          icon_url: 'https://www.home-assistant.io/images/favicon-192x192-full.png'
          text: 'Footer Text'
          icon_url: 'https://www.home-assistant.io'
          url: 'https://www.home-assistant.io/images/favicon-192x192-full.png'
          url: 'https://www.home-assistant.io/images/favicon-192x192-full.png'
          - name: 'fieldname1'
            value: 'valuename1'
            inline: false
          - name: 'fieldname2'
            value: 'valuename2'
          - name: 'fieldname3'
            value: 'valuename3'
          - name: 'fieldname4'
            value: 'valuename4'
            inline: false


You can tag any user inside a channel by using their user ID in the message like so: <@userid> replacing userid with the ID you copied. To get the user ID right click on the username to copy the ID like you did for the channel ID up above.

For more information about creating and authorizing bots, visit the OAuth2 information page

To use notifications effectively, please see the getting started with automation page.

Images are uploaded to Discord when a message is sent. As such, a local path to the image is required (i.e., /config/www/garage.jpg as opposed to /local/garage.jpg), and updating an image after sending it in a message will not update the message in Discord.