Android IP Webcam

The Android IP Webcam integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] connects with Android IP Webcam to turn any Android phone or tablet into a network camera with multiple viewing options.

The integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] is setup as an MJPEG camera with all settings as switches inside Home Assistant. You can also integrate the sensors exposed by the app. If you have multiple phones, you can use all options inside a list.

There is currently support for the following deviceA device is a model representing a physical or logical unit that contains entities. types within Home Assistant:

  • Binary sensor
  • Camera
  • Sensor
  • Switch


Download Android IP Webcam app and launch the app. When you press ‘Start Server’, it will start streaming video from your phone and the IP address of the device will be shown on screen.


To add the Android IP Webcam integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:


You need to enable logging in the Android app (Data logging > Enable data logging) if you wish to see the sensor states in Home Assistant. The sensorSensors return information about a thing, for instance the level of water in a tank.[Learn more] statesThe state holds the information of interest of an entity, for example, if a light is on or off. Each entity has exactly one state and the state only holds one value at a time. However, entities can store attributes related to that state such as brightness, color, or a unit of measurement. [Learn more] stay as unknown, until this is enabled.