Community Highlights: 7th edition


The 7th edition of the Home Assistant Community Highlights! Some interesting things popped up around our community, we thought was worth sharing.

Troy Hunt has jumped into our wonderful world and shared his journey in a blog post series. Some nice examples on a DIY solution for mounting a wall tablet and how to arm your alarm with a toothbrush!

Troy Hunt is unraveling IoT using Home Assistant

If you have never heard of Troy Hunt before, he is a web security specialist and mostly known for creating “Have I Been Pwned” (Home Assistant integration).

Troy has been diving into the world of IoT and started automating his home, using… Home Assistant!

I'm massively impressed with HA and nothing else I've seen along my IoT journey comes even close to comparing. If you're going to do IoT in any meaningful way, you start with HA.

Troy Hunt

In 5 blogs, he writes about his journey in the big world of IoT:

The 5th part Troy made 11! short and quick videos, showing actual use cases in his home. Really cool and inspiring!

Framing a wall-mounted tablet

If you are a bit like me, you probably want to wall mount a tablet someday (or you already have it of course 🥴). Doing that in a nice, elegant and pretty way is often the hard part. Especially if you only have brick walls (like me), which makes it hard to hide cable or recess the tablet.

Next I came across 2 posts on on the Home Assistant subreddit, which, if you haven’t done already, should totally join.

This one popped up, made by ialex87, which uses a 3D printed frame from Thingiverse to which he glued a wooden frame to make it look like a photo frame.

Nothing much, but my honest work! from r/homeassistant

Next, Invinciberry shared his version:

Now let's wall mount this thing. from r/homeassistant

Both look very slick! Thanks for sharing!

Arm your alarm by brushing your teeth…

Automatically arm your alarm, when Home Assistant detects you are using your toothbrush… Why? Because we can! 😎

Home Assistant Conference

This isn’t a highlight yet, but without a doubt, it is definitely is going to become one of the highlights of this year: The Home Assistant Conference.

Sunday, 13 December, we’ll be looking back at last year; but more importantly, lots of great talks are planned by speakers from our community about all different kinds of subjects:

Home Assistant Conference Schedule

Above all, some new and exciting stuff is going to be announced as well! So, ensure you don’t miss it.

Get your $1 ticket

Or, check the Home Assistant Conference page for other ways on how to watch.

Got a tip for the next edition?

Have you seen (or made) something awesome, interesting, unique, amazing, inspirational, unusual or funny, using Home Assistant?

Click here to send us your Community Highlight suggestion.

Also, don’t forget to share your creations with us via Social Media:

See you next edition!