GeoSphere Austria

The GeoSphere Austria platform uses meteorological details published by the Austrian weather service GeoSphere Austria.

With this integration, it is possible to get weather station data from up to 228 different GeoSphere stations across Austria. The integration uses the datahub-api.


To add the GeoSphere Austria integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant:

  • Weather - It displays the current temperature, humidity, pressure and wind speed, but it doesn’t have support for conditions which is a key feature of the weather platforms.
  • Sensor


This integration provides the following sensors:

Name Description
Temperature Temperature in °C
Temperature Average Average Temperature in °C
Humidity Humidity in %
Dew Point Dew point in °C
Dew Point Average Average Dew point in °C
Pressure Station pressure in hPa
Pressure at Sea Level Sea level pressure in hPa
Wind Speed Wind speed in km/h
Top Wind Speed Max wind speed in km/h
Wind Bearing Wind bearing in °
Top Wind Bearing Wind bearing at max speed in °
Sun Last 10 Minutes Sunshine in the last 10 minutes in sec
Precipitation Precipitation in mm
Snow Snow in cm


Not every station supports every sensor.