
The Toon integration platform can be used to control your Quby Toon thermostat, which is currently being sold as:

  • Eneco Toon
  • Engie Electrabel Boxx
  • Viesgo Toon

This integration adds a climate device for your Toon thermostat, some switches allowing you to control the program and holiday mode of the thermostats as well.

Sensors for energy, power and gas consumption, sensors for solar production and several binary sensors for things like boiler burner on/off, hot tap water and boiler health status.

For the Toon integration to work, you’ll need an active Toon subscription and a Toon API developer account.

There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant:

Setting up a developer account

In order to be able to use this integration, you’ll need to sign up for a free Toon API developer account.

  1. Visit the Toon API developers website, and sign in. Create an account if you don’t have one already.
  2. Open the “My Apps” page and click on “Add a new App” button on the top right.
  3. The “Add App” page shows a form with two fields:
    • App Name: Can be anything you like, for example, “Home Assistant” will just do.
    • Callback URL:
  4. Click on “Create App” to complete the creation process.
  5. Open the “My Apps” page again and click on the app that you’ve just created.
  6. You need the codes now shown: “Consumer Key” and “Consumer Secret”.
  7. Add the following Toon configuration to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] and restart Home Assistant.
# Example configuration.yaml entry
  client_id: YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY
  client_secret: YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET

Configuration Variables

client_id string Required

Toon API Consumer Key.

client_secret string Required

Toon API Consumer Secret.


To add the Toon integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Toon can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.

Binary sensor

The Toon integration provides the following binary sensors:

  • Boiler Burner (only with OpenTherm)
  • Boiler Heating* (only with OpenTherm)
  • Boiler Module Connection*
  • Boiler Preheating* (only with OpenTherm)
  • Boiler Status (only with OpenTherm)
  • Hot Tap Water (only with OpenTherm)
  • OpenTherm Connection* (only with OpenTherm)
  • Thermostat Program Override*

Binary sensors marked with * are disabled by default, but can be enabled from the UI, by clicking on the device and enabling the specific entity.


The Toon climate platform allows you to interact with your Toon thermostat.

Home Assistant support the four Toon presets: Comfort, Home, Away and Sleep. It also supports setting the temperature manually.

Toon has no option to disable a preset. It will automatically unset when values of the thermostat are changed.


The Toon integration provides the following sensors:

  • Average Daily Energy Usage*
  • Average Daily Gas Usage*
  • Average Daily Water Usage*
  • Average Gas Usage
  • Average Power Usage*
  • Average Water Usage*
  • Average Solar Power Production to Grid* (only with solar module)
  • Boiler Modulation Level* (only with OpenTherm)
  • Current Gas Usage
  • Current Power Usage
  • Current Power Usage Covered By Solar (only with solar module)
  • Current Solar Power Production (only with solar module)
  • Current Water Usage*
  • Electricity Meter Feed IN Tariff 1*
  • Electricity Meter Feed IN Tariff 2*
  • Electricity Meter Feed OUT Tariff 1*
  • Electricity Meter Feed OUT Tariff 2*
  • Energy Cost Today
  • Energy Produced To Grid Today* (only with solar module)
  • Energy Usage From Grid Today* (only with solar module)
  • Energy Usage Today
  • Gas Cost Today
  • Gas Meter
  • Gas Usage Today
  • Humidity*
  • Max Solar Power Production Today (only with solar module)
  • Solar Energy Produced Today (only with solar module)
  • Solar Power Production to Grid (only with solar module)
  • Temperature
  • Water Meter*
  • Water Usage Today*
  • Water Cost Today*

Sensors marked with * are disabled by default, but can be enabled from the UI, by clicking on the device and enabling the specific entity.


The Toon integration provides the following switches:

  • Thermostat Holiday Mode
  • Thermostat Program