System monitor

The System monitor integration allows you to monitor disk usage, memory usage, CPU usage, and running processes.


To add the System monitor integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:


All entities are disabled by default, you need to enable the entities that you wish to use.


  • Disk free - (One per disk/mount point)
  • Disk use - (One per disk/mount point)
  • Disk usage (percent) - (One per disk/mount point)


  • IPv4 address - (One per network interface)
  • IPv6 address - (One per network interface)
  • Network in - (One per network interface)
  • Network out - (One per network interface)
  • Packets in - (One per network interface)
  • Packets out - (One per network interface)
  • Network throughput in - (One per network interface)
  • Network throughput out - (One per network interface)


  • Last boot
  • Load (15m)
  • Load (5m)
  • Load (1m)
  • Memory free
  • Memory use
  • Memory usage (percent)
  • Processor use
  • Processor temperature
  • Swap free
  • Swap use
  • Swap usage (percent)

Add process binary sensor

The process binary sensor needs to be configured by the config entry options. Go to Settings > Devices & Services, select the System Monitor integration and click Configure to select which process binary sensors should be created.

Disk usage

Note: The disk usage sensors do not support monitoring folder/directory sizes. Instead, it is only concerned with “disks” (more specifically mount points on Linux).

$ df -H
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        29G   12G   16G  42% /
devtmpfs        805M     0  805M   0% /dev
tmpfs           934M     0  934M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/mmcblk0p1  253M   54M  199M  22% /boot

Processor temperature

  • If no hardware sensor data is available (e.g., because the integration runs in a virtualized environment), the sensor entity will not be created.
  • The unit of measurement (Celsius vs. Fahrenheit) will be chosen based on the system configuration.
  • Only the very first processor related hardware sensor is read, i.e. no individual core temperatures are available (even if the hardware sensor provides that level of detail).