Smart Meter Texas

The Smart Meter Texas integration allows Texas residents to integrate their electric meters into Home Assistant. This integration will create a sensor for each meter that shows the current reading.

On its own this sensor is not particularly useful. However, combined with a utility_meter sensor you can obtain usage over a month, for example.


Any Texas electricity consumer can register an account.

  1. Go to Smart Meter Texas
  2. Select Sign Up
  3. Choose residential as your account type
  4. You will need following details which can be found on your electric bill.
    • The name of your retail electric provider
    • Your meter number
    • Your ESIID (Electric Service Identifier)


Due to API limits, this sensor refreshes once per hour. The limit is 24 meter readings per calendar day.


To add the Smart Meter Texas integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: