
The Home Assistant Repairs integration will inform you about issues it has found in your Home Assistant instance that should be fixed to ensure your instance stays healthy and running for now and in the future.


The repairs integration is by default enabled. No action is required to enable it. You can find the Home Assistant Repairs dashboard in Settings -> System -> Repairs.

How to use

If Home Assistant finds an issue in your Home Assistant instance that requires your intervention to fix, it will create a new issue in the repairs dashboard.

Just like updates, the number of issues pending in the repairs dashboard is shown in the sidebar on the “Settings” menu item.

Screenshot showing the number of updates and repairs pending on the settings menu item in the sidebar The settings menu item shows the number of pending updates and repairable issues.

Navigate to Settings -> System -> Repairs to see the list of issues that need your attention.

Each issue listed will either provide you the opportunity to fix the issue straight from the dashboard or provide you with information on how to resolve the reported issue.

Keeping your system updated and free of issues will help you maintain and keep it stable and future-proof.