Notifications for Android TV / Fire TV

Notification integration for Notifications for Android TV and Notifications for Fire TV. You can use this integration to send notifications to your Android TV device. An overlay with the message content will appear for a configurable amount of seconds and then disappear again. Sending images (e.g., security cam) and custom icons is supported too. Icons are essentially the same as images (any image format supported by Android TV is supported), but are displayed small and to the left of the notification whereas images are large and above the notification.

The notifications are in the global scope of your Android TV device. They will be displayed regardless of which application is running.

When setting this up be aware, that there are two apps: one for your smartphone to send notifications (not required for this platform) and one for your Android TV device to receive the notifications. The app available in the store of your Android TV device is the one that is needed to display notifications sent from Home Assistant. The In-App purchases only apply to the client for Android smartphones, so there isn’t any limit when pushing notifications from Home Assistant.


To add the Notifications for Android TV / Fire TV service to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:


The following options can be specified inside the data field for the notify service call:

Service notify.[name_of_your_tv]

Configuration Variables

duration integer

The duration in seconds for which the notification will be displayed.

fontsize string

Has to be one of: small, medium, large or max.

position string

Has to be one of: bottom-right, bottom-left, top-right, top-left or center.

color string

Has to be one of: grey, black, indigo, green, red, cyan, teal, amber or pink.

transparency string

Has to be one of: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%.

timeout integer

The timeout in seconds for trying to send the notification to the device.

interrupt boolean

If set to true, 1, on etc., the notification is interactive and can be dismissed or selected to display more details. Depending on the running app (e.g., Netflix), this may stop playback.

This is a fully customized YAML you can use inside data to test how the final notification will look like (for using this inside a service call look at the service example at the end of this page):

fontsize: "large"
position: "center"
duration: 2
transparency: "0%"
color: "red"
interrupt: 1

Service data for sending images and icons

Service data attribute Optional Description
image yes Groups the attributes for image upload. It can take a url or path. It is optional unless you use authentication options. Then, either url or path has to be provided.
icon yes Groups the attributes for icon upload. It can take a url or path. It is optional unless you use authentication options. Then, either url or path has to be provided.
path yes Local path of an image file. Is placed inside image, icon, or both.
url yes URL of an image file. Is placed inside image, icon or both.
username yes Username if the URL requires authentication. Is placed inside image, icon or both`.
password yes Password if the URL requires authentication. Is placed inside image, icon or both.
auth yes If set to digest HTTP-Digest-Authentication is used. If missing, HTTP-BASIC-Authentication is used and is placed inside image, icon or both.

Example Service data for both image and icons:

# If your urls do not require extra authentication
icon: "http://[url to image file]"
image: "http://[url to image file]"

# Paths in most cases
icon: "/you/path/location"
image: "/you/path/location"
# Or alternatively
  path: "/you/path/location"
  path: "/you/path/location"

# If your urls require extra authentication
  url: "http://[url to image file]"
  username: "optional user, if necessary" # Optional
  password: "optional password, if necessary" # Optional 
  auth: "digest" # Optional
  url: "http://[url to image file]"
  username: "optional user, if necessary" # Optional
  password: "optional password, if necessary" # Optional
  auth: "digest" # Optional

Example of an automation with an service call, full configuration:

service: notify.living_room_tv
  title: "Thanks for the water!"
  message: "Nigel is {{ states('sensor.nigel_moisture') }}% moisture"
    duration: 4
    position: "bottom-left"
    fontsize: "medium"
    transparency: "75%"
    color: "teal"
    interrupt: 0

Please note that path is validated against the allowlist_external_dirs in the configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more].