
The nextcloud integration pulls summary Nextcloud information into Home Assistant.

The integration provides sensors and binary sensors for most of the data points that the built-in Nextcloud serverinfo app provides.

To see which datapoints your nextcloud instance exposes, browse to this url: https://<your_nextcloud_url>/ocs/v2.php/apps/serverinfo/api/v1/info?format=json&skipUpdate=false.

Nextcloud Example Sensor


This integration has the following Nextcloud Server prerequisites:

  • The user must be in the Nextcloud admin group (Nextcloud > Users)
  • The Nextcloud ‘Monitoring’ app must be installed (Nextcloud > Apps > 🔍(Search Icon) > Monitoring > Enable)
  • (Recommended) A Nextcloud App password should be generated for use in Home Assistant (Nextcloud > Settings > Personal > Security > Devices & sessions > Create new app password)


To add the Nextcloud integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: