MQTT Statestream

The mqtt_statestream integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] publishes state changes in Home Assistant to individual MQTT topics. The MQTT integration is a prerequisite for MQTT Statestream to work.


To enable MQTT Statestream in Home Assistant, add the following section to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file. After changing the configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file, restart Home Assistant to apply the changes.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  base_topic: homeassistant
  publish_attributes: true
  publish_timestamps: true

Configuration Variables

base_topic string Required

Base topic used to generate the actual topic used to publish.

publish_attributes boolean (Optional, default: false)

Publish attributes of the entity as well as the state.

publish_timestamps boolean (Optional, default: false)

Publish the last_changed and last_updated timestamps for the entity.

exclude list (Optional)

Configure which integrations should be excluded from recordings. (Configure Filter)

entities list (Optional)

The list of entity ids to be excluded from recordings.

entity_globs list (Optional)

Exclude all entities matching a listed pattern from recordings (e.g., sensor.weather_*).

domains list (Optional)

The list of domains to be excluded from recordings.

include list (Optional)

Configure which integrations should be included in recordings. If set, all other entities will not be recorded. (Configure Filter)

entities list (Optional)

The list of entity ids to be included from recordings.

entity_globs list (Optional)

Include all entities matching a listed pattern in recordings (e.g., sensor.weather_*).

domains list (Optional)

The list of domains to be included from recordings.

Configure filter

By default, no entity will be excluded. To limit which entities are being exposed to MQTT Statestream, you can use the include and exclude parameters.

# Example filter to include specified domains and exclude specified entities
  base_topic: homeassistant
      - alarm_control_panel
      - light
      - binary_sensor.*_occupancy
      - light.kitchen_light

Filters are applied as follows:

  1. No filter
    • All entities included
  2. Only includes
    • Entity listed in entities include: include
    • Otherwise, entity matches domain include: include
    • Otherwise, entity matches glob include: include
    • Otherwise: exclude
  3. Only excludes
    • Entity listed in exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise, entity matches domain exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise, entity matches glob exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise: include
  4. Domain and/or glob includes (may also have excludes)
    • Entity listed in entities include: include
    • Otherwise, entity listed in entities exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise, entity matches glob include: include
    • Otherwise, entity matches glob exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise, entity matches domain include: include
    • Otherwise: exclude
  5. Domain and/or glob excludes (no domain and/or glob includes)
    • Entity listed in entities include: include
    • Otherwise, entity listed in exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise, entity matches glob exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise, entity matches domain exclude: exclude
    • Otherwise: include
  6. No Domain and/or glob includes or excludes
    • Entity listed in entities include: include
    • Otherwise: exclude

The following characters can be used in entity globs:

* - The asterisk represents zero, one, or multiple characters ? - The question mark represents zero or one character

Common filtering examples

# Example of excluding entities
  base_topic: homeassistant
      - switch
      - sensor.nopublish

In the above example, all entities except for switch.x and sensor.nopublish will be published to MQTT.

# Example of excluding entities
  base_topic: homeassistant
      - sensor
      - lock.important

In this example, only sensor.x and lock.important will be published.

# Example of excluding entities
  base_topic: homeassistant
      - sensor
      - sensor.noshow

In this example, all sensors except for sensor.noshow will be published.


When any Home Assistant entity changes, this integration will publish that change to MQTT.

The topic for each entity is different, so you can easily subscribe other systems to just the entities you are interested in. The topic will be in the form base_topic/domain/entity/state.

For example, with the example configuration above, if an entity called ‘light.master_bedroom_dimmer’ is turned on, this integration will publish on to homeassistant/light/master_bedroom_dimmer/state.

If that entity also has an attribute called brightness, the integration will also publish the value of that attribute to homeassistant/light/master_bedroom_dimmer/brightness.

All states and attributes are passed through JSON serialization before publishing. Please note that this causes strings to be quoted (e.g., the string ‘on’ will be published as ‘“on”’). You can access the JSON deserialized values (as well as unquoted strings) at many places by using value_json instead of value.

The last_updated and last_changed values for the entity will be published to homeassistant/light/master_bedroom_dimmer/last_updated and homeassistant/light/master_bedroom_dimmer/last_changed, respectively. The timestamps are in ISO 8601 format - for example, 2017-10-01T23:20:30.920969+00:00.