The lcn integration for Home Assistant allows you to connect to LCN hardware devices.

The integration requires one unused license of the coupling software LCN-PCHK (version >2.8) and an LCN hardware coupler. Alternatively, an LCN-PKE coupler can be used which offers two PCHK licenses. With this setup sending and receiving commands to and from LCN modules is possible.

There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant:


The implemented platforms do not cover the whole functionality of the LCN system. Therefore the lcn integration offers a variety of events, device triggers and actions. They are ideal to be used in automation scripts or for the template platforms.


To use your LCN system in your installation, add the following lines to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file. You have to specify at least one IP/port with login credentials for a PCHK host. Consider to store your credentials in a secrets.yaml.

    - name: myhome
      port: 4114
      username: lcn
      password: lcn

    - name: Kitchen window
      address: myhome.s0.m7
      source: binsensor1

    - name: Temperature bedroom
      address: myhome.s0.m7
      source: var1
      setpoint: r1varsetpoint
      min_temp: 17.
      max_temp: 30.
      lockable: true
      unit_of_measurement: °C

    - name: Living room cover
      address: myhome.s0.m7
      motor: motor1

    - name: Bedroom light
      address: myhome.s0.m7
      output: output1
      dimmable: true
      transition: 5

    - name: Romantic
      address: myhome.s0.m7
      register: 1
      scene: 4
      outputs: [output1, output2, relais1, relais3, relais4]
      transition: 5

    - name: Temperature
      address: myhome.s0.m7
      source: var3
      unit_of_measurement: °C

    - name: Sprinkler switch
      address: myhome.s0.m7
      output: relay1

Configuration Variables

connections map Required

List of your connections.

host string Required

IP address of the LCN-PCHK host.

port integer Required

Port of the LCN-PCHK host.

username string Required

Login username for the LCN-PCHK host.

password string Required

Login password for the LCN-PCHK host.

name string (Optional, default: pchk)

Optional connection identifier. If omitted, the connections will be named consecutively as pchk, pchk1, pchk2, …

sk_num_tries integer (Optional, default: 0)

Segment coupler scans. Increase this number if you have at least one segment coupler in your system.

dim_mode string (Optional, default: steps50)

Dimming mode for connected modules. The operation mode is programmed into the LCN modules by the LCN-PRO software and depends on their firmware. If you experience unexpected dimming behavior, the connection is probably in the wrong operation mode. Possible values: steps50, steps200

binary_sensors map (Optional)

List of your binary sensors.

name string Required

Name of the sensor.

address string Required

Address of the module/group.

source string Required


climates map (Optional)

List of your climate devices.

name string Required

Name of the climate controller.

address string Required

Address of the module/group.

source string Required

Current temperature source (VARIABLE).

setpoint string Required

Setpoint for target temperature (VARIABLE, SETPOINT).

unit_of_measurement string (Optional, default: celsius)

Measurement unit (VAR_UNIT).

min_temp float (Optional)

Minimum target temperature.

max_temp float (Optional)

Maximum target temperature.

lockable boolean (Optional, default: false)

Climate control can be locked.

covers map (Optional)

List of your covers.

name string Required

Name of the cover.

address string Required

Address of the module/group.

motor string Required

Motor port (MOTOR_PORT).

reverse_time string (Optional)

Reverse time (REVERSE_TIME, see also Cover).

lights map Required

List of your lights.

name string Required

Name of the light.

address string Required

Address of the module/group.

output string Required


dimmable boolean (Optional, default: false)

Enable the dimming feature for this light.

transition integer (Optional, default: 0)

Transition (ramp) time in seconds.

scenes map (Optional)

List of your scenes.

name string Required

Name of the scene.

address string Required

Address of the module/group.

register integer Required

Number of scene register (0..9).

scene integer Required

Number of scene (0..9).

outputs list (Optional)

List of ports (OUTPUT_PORT, RELAY_PORT).

transition integer (Optional, default: None)

Transition (ramp) time in seconds.

sensors map (Optional)

List of your sensors.

name string Required

Name of the sensor.

address string Required

Address of the module/group.

source string Required
unit_of_measurement string (Optional, default: native)

Measurement unit (VAR_UNIT).

switches map (Optional)

List of your switches.

name string Required

Name of the switch.

address string Required

Address of the module/group.

output string Required

Switch source (OUTPUT_PORT, RELAY_PORT).

LCN addresses

LCN hardware devices connected to the LCN bus are called modules. LCN modules are addressed by their numeric id in the range (5..254).

Modules can be arranged in segments. Segments can be addressed by their numeric id (5..128) or 0 (= no segment exist) or 3 (= target all segments).

LCN Modules within the same segment can be grouped by their group id (5..254) or 3 (= target all groups.)

The LCN integration allows the connection to more than one hardware coupler. In this case, it has to be specified which hardware coupler should be used for addressing the specified module.

Whenever the address of a module or a group has to be specified, it can be addressed using one of the following syntaxes:

Example for modules:


Example for groups:


Leading zeroes in the segment id or module/group id can be omitted. If the connection_id is omitted, the first connection defined in the configuration will be used.

LCN constants

The platforms and actions use several predefined constants as parameters.


Constant Values
OUTPUT_PORT output1, output2, output3, output4
RELAY_PORT relay1, relay2, relay3, relay4, relay5, relay6, relay7, relay8
MOTOR_PORT motor1, motor2, motor3, motor4, outputs
LED_PORT led1, led2, led3, led4, led5, led6, led7, led8, led9, led10, led11, led12
LOGICOP_PORT logicop1, logicop2, logicop3, logicop4
BINSENSOR_PORT binsensor1, binsensor2, binsensor3, binsensor4, binsensor5, binsensor6, binsensor7, binsensor8

The MOTOR_PORT values specify which hardware relay or outputs configuration will be used:

Motor Relay on/off Relay up/down
motor1 relay1 relay2
motor2 relay3 relay4
motor3 relay5 relay6
motor4 relay7 relay8
Motor Output up Output down
outputs output1 output2

Variables and Units

Constant Values
VARIABLE var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8, var9, var10, var11, var12, tvar, r1var, r2var
SETPOINT r1varsetpoint, r2varsetpoint
THRESHOLD thrs1, thrs2, thrs3, thrs4, thrs5, thrs2_1, thrs2_2, thrs2_3, thrs2_4, thrs3_1, thrs3_2, thrs3_3, thrs3_4, thrs4_1, thrs4_2, thrs4_3, thrs4_4
S0_INPUT s0input1, s0input2, s0input3, s0input4
VAR_UNIT native, °C, °K, °F, lux_t, lux_i, m/s, %, ppm, volt, ampere, degree
TIME_UNIT seconds, minutes, hours, days
RELVARREF current, prog
REVERSE_TIME rt70, rt600, rt1200


Constant Values
LED_STATE on, off, blink, flicker
LOGICOP_STATE none, some, all
KEY_STATE hit, make, break, dontsend


Whenever a key has to be provided, it is defined by a joint string consisting of the table identifier (a, b, c, d) and the corresponding key number. Examples: a1, a5, d8.


Binary sensor

The lcn binary sensor platform allows the monitoring of the following LCN binary data sources:

  • Binary hardware sensors
  • Lock state of regulator setpoints
  • Lock state of keys

The binary sensor can be used in automation scripts or in conjunction with template platforms.


The lcn climate platform allows the control of the LCN climate regulators. This platform depends on the correct configuration of the module’s regulators, which has to be done in the LCN-PRO programming software. You need to specify at least the variable for the current temperature and a setpoint variable for the target temperature. If the control is set lockable, the regulator can be turned on/off.


If you intend to leave the regulation to Home Assistant, you should consider using the Generic Thermostat in conjunction with LCN Sensor and LCN Switch.


The lcn cover platform allows the control of LCN relays and output ports which have been configured as motor controllers.

Only for the module with firmware earlier than 190C:
The configuration allows the optional definition of reverse time. This is the time which is waited during the switching of the motor currents. The reverse time should only be defined when using the MOTOR_PORT value OUTPUTS. For all other configuration, the reverse time has to be defined in the LCN Pro software. For the reverse time, you may choose one of the following constants: RT70 (70ms), RT600 (600ms), RT1200 (1,2s).


If you are using the module’s output ports for motor control, ensure that you have configured the output ports as motor controllers in the LCN Pro software! Otherwise, the output ports are not mutually interlocked and you run the risk of destroying the motor.


The lcn light platform allows the control of the following LCN ports:

  • (Dimmable) output ports
  • Relays


The lcn scene platform allows the activation of previously programmed LCN scenes.


The lcn sensor platform allows the monitoring of the following LCN data sources:

  • Variables
  • Regulator setpoints
  • Thresholds
  • S0 inputs
  • LED states
  • Logic operation states

The sensor can be used in automation scripts or in conjunction with template platforms.


Ensure that the LCN module is configured properly to provide the requested value. Otherwise, the module might show unexpected behavior or return error messages.


The lcn switch platform allows the control of the following LCN ports:

  • Output ports
  • Relays

Additional features

Transponder, fingerprint sensor and code lock

To use LCN transponders, fingerprint sensors or code locks ensure that the corresponding module’s I-port property is enabled in the LCN-PRO software and properly configured. LCN transponders, fingerprints and code locks are identified by a six value hexadecimal code (e.g. 123abc). If a code is received a corresponding event (transponder event, fingerprint event, codelock event) is fired and can be used to trigger an automation. Alternatively, you can use the corresponding device triggers.


This example shows how the event_data can be extracted and used in a condition using Home Assistant’s templating engine. Trigger on a transponder event and ensure that the received code is in the given list:

    - platform: event
      event_type: lcn_transponder
  condition: "{{ in ['aabbcc', 'ddeeff', '112233'] }}"

Further examples can be found in the event section.

Remote control

To use LCN remote controls (e.g., LCN-RT or LCN-RT16) ensure that the corresponding module’s I-port property is enabled in the LCN-PRO software and its behavior is properly configured as “IR access control”. With this configuration each remote control is identified by a six value hexadecimal code (e.g. 123abc). If a command from a remote control is received a corresponding event (transponder event) is fired and can be used to trigger an automation. Along with the transmitted code, the pressed key and the key action are transmitted. Alternatively, you can use the corresponding device triggers.

Examples can be found in the event section.

LCN commands addressed to PCHK host (Home Assistant)

A LCN module can not only be programmed to send commands to other modules/groups but also to the PCHK host configured in the LCN integration. These commands are directly passed to Home Assistant and can be evaluated. Only the send keys (former) command is supported.

Within LCN-PRO program the send keys command (only “A-C former command” is supported) to a key. For the target address manually enter the PCHK host id (default: 4). Select the keys and key actions as desired.

When a send keys command is received, the LCN integration will fire a send keys event for each key configured. These events can be used to trigger an automation. Alternatively, you can use the corresponding device triggers.

Examples can be found in the event section.


Only commands sent from physical buttons of a module are evaluated. The “Test command” button in the LCN-PRO software is not evaluated and therefore cannot be used for testing purposes.


There are several functionalities of the LCN system which are not exposed as regular entities by the integration, but as events. Examples are button presses from remote controls (transmitters), transponder findings, fingerprint sensors and so called send keys events.


If you find it difficult to deal with events in scripted automations, you can also use device triggers which offer automation design via the UI.

All events have some common attributes in their event_data which identify the sending LCN hardware module (e.g., the module the transponder is connected to):

Event payload Description Values
device_id Internal device id of LCN module string
segment_id Module’s segment id 5..128
module_id Module id 5..254

In addition, every event has its own special attributes which are described below. All special attributes are optional and can be used as supplementary filters.

Event: lcn_transmitter

The lcn_transmitter event is fired if a LCN remote control command is received.

Special payload Description Values
code Transmitter code string (6 hex values)
level Key level 0..4
key Key 0..4
action Key action hit, make, break


The trigger will fire if any key on the remote control with code 123abc is hit as long as the receiver hardware is connected to module 7 in segment 0.

    - platform: event
      event_type: lcn_transmitter
        segment_id: 0
        module_id: 7
        code: 123abc
        action: hit

Event: lcn_transponder

The lcn_transponder event is fired if a LCN transponder command is received.

Special payload Description Values
code Transponder code string (6 hex values)


The trigger will fire if the transponder with code 123abc was detected at any hardware module.

    - platform: event
      event_type: lcn_transponder
        code: 123abc

Event: lcn_fingerprint

The lcn_fingerprint event is fired if a LCN fingerprint command is received.

Special payload Description Values
code Fingerprint code string (6 hex values)


The trigger will fire if the fingerprint with code 123abc was detected at any hardware module.

    - platform: event
      event_type: lcn_fingerprint
        code: 123abc

Event: lcn_codelock

The lcn_codelock event is fired if a LCN code lock command is received.

Special payload Description Values
code Code lock code string (6 hex values)


The trigger will fire if the code lock with code 123abc was activated at any hardware module.

    - platform: event
      event_type: lcn_codelock
        code: 123abc

Event: lcn_send_keys

The lcn_send_keys event is fired if the PCHK host receives a send keys command.

Special payload Description Values
key LCN Key a1..c8
action Key action hit, make, break


The trigger will fire if the PCHK host receives a command that issues a hit of key a1.

    - platform: event
      event_type: lcn_send_keys
        key: a1
        action: hit

Device triggers

To simplify using events in automations the LCN integration exposes them as device triggers. Those device triggers can be selected from the automation editor within Home Assistant.

After creating a new automation select Device as trigger type and search for the module which is supposed to cause the event in the device list. You may select the trigger type and configure its attributes. If an attribute is optional it is considered as a supplementary filter for the trigger. For an explanation of the attributes refer to the corresponding events.


In order to directly interact with the LCN system, and invoke commands which are not covered by the implemented platforms, the following actions can be used. Refer to the Performing actions page for examples on how to use them.

Action: output_abs

Set absolute brightness of output port in percent.

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
output No Output port of module OUTPUT_PORT
brightness Yes Absolute brightness in percent 0..100
transition Yes Transition (ramp) time in seconds 0..486


action: lcn.output_abs
  address: myhome.0.7
  output: output1
  brightness: 100
  transition: 0

Action: output_rel

Set relative brightness of output port in percent.

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
output No Output port of module OUTPUT_PORT
brightness Yes Relative brightness in percent -100..100
transition Yes Transition (ramp) time in seconds 0..486


action: lcn.output_rel
  address: myhome.0.7
  output: output1
  brightness: 30

Action: output_toggle

Toggle output port.

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
output No Output port of module OUTPUT_PORT
transition Yes Transition (ramp) time in seconds 0..486


action: lcn.output_toggle
  address: myhome.0.7
  output: output1
  transition: 0

Action: relays

Set the relays status. The relays states are defined as a string with eight characters. Each character represents the state change of a relay (1=on, 0=off, t=toggle, -=nochange).

Example states: t---001-

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
state No Relay states as string


action: lcn.relays
  address: myhome.0.7
  state: t---001-

Action: led

Set the LED status.

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
state No LED state as string LED_STATE


action: lcn.led
  address: myhome.0.7
  led: led6
  state: blink

Action: var_abs

Set the absolute value of a variable or setpoint. If value is not defined, it is assumed to be 0. If unit_of_measurement is not defined, it is assumed to be native.

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
variable No Variable name VARIABLE, SETPOINT
value Yes Variable value any positive number
unit_of_measurement Yes Variable unit VAR_UNIT


action: lcn.var_abs
  address: myhome.0.7
  variable: var1
  value: 75
  unit_of_measurement: %


Ensure that the LCN module is configured properly to provide access to the defined variable. Otherwise the module might show unexpected behaviors or return error messages.

Action: var_rel

Set the relative value of a variable or setpoint. If value is not defined, it is assumed to be 0. If unit_of_measurement is not defined, it is assumed to be native.

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
variable No Variable name VARIABLE, SETPOINT, THRESHOLD
value Yes Variable value any positive or negative number
unit_of_measurement Yes Variable unit VAR_UNIT


action: lcn.var_rel
  address: myhome.0.7
  variable: var1
  value: 10
  unit_of_measurement: %


Ensure that the LCN module is configured properly to provide access to the defined variable. Otherwise the module might show unexpected behavior or return error messages.

Action: var_reset

Reset value of variable or setpoint.

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
variable No Variable name VARIABLE, SETPOINT


action: lcn.var_reset
  address: myhome.0.7
  variable: var1


Ensure that the LCN module is configured properly to provide access to the defined variable. Otherwise the module might show unexpected behavior or return error messages.

Action: lock_regulator

Locks a regulator setpoint. If state is not defined, it is assumed to be False.

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
setpoint No Setpoint name SETPOINT
state Yes Lock state true, false


action: lcn.lock_regulator
  address: myhome.0.7
  setpoint: r1varsetpoint
  state: true

Action: send_keys

Send keys (which executes bound commands). The keys attribute is a string with one or more key identifiers. Example: a1a5d8 If state is not defined, it is assumed to be hit. The command allows the sending of keys immediately or deferred. For a deferred sending the attributes time and time_unit have to be specified. For deferred sending, the only key state allowed is hit. If time_unit is not defined, it is assumed to be seconds.

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
keys No Keys string
state Yes Keys state KEY_STATE
time Yes Deferred time 0..
time_unit Yes Time unit TIME_UNIT


Send keys immediately:

action: lcn.send_keys
  address: myhome.0.7
  keys: a1a5d8
  state: hit

Send keys deferred:

action: lcn.send_keys
  address: myhome.0.7
  keys: a1a5d8
  time: 5
  time_unit: s

Action: lock_keys

Locks keys. If the table is not defined, it is assumed to be table a. The key lock states are defined as a string with eight characters. Each character represents the state change of a key lock (1=on, 0=off, t=toggle, -=nochange). The command allows the locking of keys for a specified time period. For a time period, the attributes time and time_unit have to be specified. For a time period, only table a is allowed. If time_unit is not defined, it is assumed to be seconds.

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
table Yes Table with keys to lock
state No Key lock states as string KEY_STATE
time Yes Time period to lock 0..
time_unit Yes Time unit TIME_UNIT


Lock keys forever:

action: lcn.lock_keys
  address: myhome.0.7
  table: a
  state: 1---t0--

Lock keys for a specified time period:

action: lcn.lock_keys
  address: myhome.0.7
  state: 1---t0--
  time: 10
  time_unit: s

Action: dyn_text

Send dynamic text to LCN-GTxD displays. The displays support four rows for text messages. Each row can be set independently and can store up to 60 characters (encoded in UTF-8).

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
row No Text row 1..4
text No Text to send for the specified row


action: lcn.dyn_text
  address: myhome.0.7
  row: 1
  text: "text in row 1"

Action: pck

Send arbitrary PCK command. Only the command part of the PCK command has to be specified in the pck string.

Data attribute Optional Description Values
address No LCN address
pck No PCK command


action: lcn.pck
  address: myhome.0.7
  pck: PIN4