Keymitt MicroBot Push

This integration allows you to locally control a MicroBot Push (previously manufactured by Naran but now under the Keymitt brand).


In order to use this integration, it is required to have working Bluetooth set up on the device running Home Assistant. A Naran/Keymitt hub is not required.

The device will need to be in pairing mode before adding to Home Assistant. To reset the MicroBot Push, turn it off, then back on, and immediately hold the push button while the LED is red. After approximately 5 seconds, the LED will flash rapidly, at which point release the button. The LED will blink blue if the pairing mode has been successfully activated.

If you have multiple devices, you will need to know the BTLE MAC address of your device to tell them apart.

Please note, that the devices cannot remain paired to the MicroBot application for this integration to function. They will be paired to Home Assistant exclusively.


To add the Keymitt MicroBot Push hub to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Supported devices

This Integration is for the MicroBot Push only. The Keymitt lock is not supported.

Service keymitt_ble.calibrate

The Calibration service will locally set the MicroBot Push depth, duration, and mode.

Please note: The push arm will extend or retract (depending on the mode defined) after the service call is invoked. The mode and depth will be demonstrated, but not the duration. The setting is, however, stored and can be confirmed by manually operating the device.

Service Data Attribute Required Description
depth yes How far (in percent) to extend the push arm.
duration yes Duration (in seconds) to hold the arm extended.
mode yes ‘Normal’ - extend and retract the arm.
‘Invert’ - retract then extend the arm.
‘Toggle’ - toggle between extend and retract.

Error codes and troubleshooting

The integration will automatically discover devices once the Bluetooth integration is enabled and functional.

Due to the device going into deep sleep after extended periods of no activity, the response time can be up to a minute in extreme cases. On average it will be much quicker.

Failed to pair

Make sure your devices are powered on, in range, and in pairing mode. Pressing the button on the MicroBot Push to take it out of deep sleep may also be beneficial.

No unconfigured devices found

Make sure your devices are powered on, in range, and in pairing mode. Pressing the button on the MicroBot Push to take it out of deep sleep may also be beneficial.