Home Connect

The Home Connect integration allows users to integrate their home appliances supporting the Home Connect standard for Bosch and Siemens using the official cloud API.

The integration will add one Home Assistant device for each connected home appliance which will have the following entities:

  • A power switch
  • If the device has programs, switches for each of the individual programs will be added. Note that program options cannot be configured currently.
  • If the device has programs, a timestamp sensor for remaining time and a numeric sensor for the progress percentage.
  • For hood’s functional light a light switch including brightness control will be added.
  • For hood’s and dishwasher’s ambient light a light switch including brightness and color control will be added.

Note that it depends on the appliance and on API permissions which of the features are supported.


  1. Visit https://developer.home-connect.com and sign up for a developer account.
  2. Enter the email of your login for the original Home Connect App from Bosch/Siemens under “Default Home Connect User Account for Testing” in the sign up process.
  3. Under Applications, register a new App:
  • Application ID: Home Assistant (or whatever name makes sense to you)
  • OAuth Flow: Authorization Code Grant Flow
  • Redirect URI: https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/oauth
  • Go to https://my.home-assistant.io/ and make sure that your Home Assistant URL is set there. For example: http://homeassistant:8123/ or http://homeassistant.local:8123


  • Power on all your appliances during the integration configuration process; otherwise appliance programs list will be empty.
  • To update the appliance programs list, you can reload the Home Connect integration when an appliance is turned on. If the re-initialization process is not triggered by reload, restart the Home Assistant when an appliance is turned on.
  • After performing the steps above log out of your Home Connect Developer account. If you don’t do this, the configuration steps below will fail during OAuth authentication with the message “error”: “unauthorized_client”.
  • The provided Home Connect User Account email address must be all lowercase otherwise it will result in authentication failures.
  • All changes in the developer portal take 15 minutes before the change is implemented.


To add the Home Connect integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

The integration configuration will ask for the Client ID and Client Secret created above. See Application Credentials for more details.


The Home Connect integration makes various services available. Available services: set_option_active, set_option_selected, pause_program, resume_program, select_program, start_program and change_setting

Service home_connect.set_option_active

Sets an option for the active program.

Service data attribute Optional Description
device_id no Id of a device associated with the home appliance.
key no Key of the option.
value no Value of the option.
unit yes Unit for the option.

Service home_connect.set_option_selected

Sets an option for the selected program.

Service data attribute Optional Description
device_id no Id of a device associated with the home appliance.
key no Key of the option.
value no Value of the option.
unit yes Unit for the option.

Service home_connect.pause_program

Pauses the current running program.

Service data attribute Optional Description
device_id no Id of a device associated with the home appliance.

Service home_connect.resume_program

Resumes a paused program.

Service data attribute Optional Description
device_id no Id of a device associated with the home appliance.

Service home_connect.select_program

Selects a program without starting it.

Service data attribute Optional Description
device_id no Id of a device associated with the home appliance.
program no Program to select.
key yes Key of the option.
value yes Value of the option.
unit yes Unit for the option.

Service home_connect.start_program

Selects a program and starts it.

Service data attribute Optional Description
device_id no Id of a device associated with the home appliance.
program no Program to select.
key yes Key of the option.
value yes Value of the option.
unit yes Unit for the option.

Service home_connect.change_setting

Changes a setting.

Service data attribute Optional Description
device_id no Id of a device associated with the home appliance.
key no Key of the setting.
value no Value of the setting.