Denon HEOS

The HEOS integration adds support for HEOS capable products, such as speakers, amps, and receivers (Denon and Marantz) into Home Assistant. Features currently include:

  • Each device is represented as a media player entity
  • View the currently playing media
  • Control play mode (play, pause, stop, next and previous), volume, mute and shuffle
  • Clear playlist
  • Select source from device physical inputs and HEOS favorites
  • Create HEOS groups


To add the Denon HEOS integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Denon HEOS can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.


A connection to a single device enables control for all devices on the network. If you have multiple HEOS devices, enter the host of one that is connected to the LAN via wire or has the strongest wireless signal.


Service heos.sign_in

Use the sign-in service (go to Developer Tools -> Services and then run the heos.sign_in with your username and password. Use the “Fill example data” first, then change it with your data. Check the logs right after, there you should see if the sign-in was successful or not) to sign the connected controller into a HEOS account so that it can retrieve and play HEOS favorites and playlists. An error message is logged if sign-in is unsuccessful. Example service data payload:

service: heos.sign_in
  username: "[email protected]"
  password: "password"
Service data attribute Optional Description
username no The username or email of the HEOS account.
password no The password of the HEOS account.

Service heos.sign_out

Use the sign-out service to sign the connected controller out of a HEOS account. An error message is logged if sign-out is unsuccessful. There are no parameters to this service.

Service media_player.play_media

Play favorite

You can play a HEOS favorite by number or name with the media_player.play_media service. Example service data payload:

service: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: "favorite"
  media_content_id: "1"
Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes entity_id of the player(s)
media_content_type no Set to the value favorite
media_content_id no (i.e., 1) or name (i.e., Thumbprint Radio) of the HEOS favorite

Play playlist

You can play a HEOS playlist with the media_player.play_media service. Example service data payload:

service: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: "playlist"
  media_content_id: "Awesome Music"
Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes entity_id of the player(s)
media_content_type no Set to the value playlist
media_content_id no The name of the HEOS playlist

Play Quick Select

You can play a HEOS Quick Select by number or name with the media_player.play_media service. Example service data payload:

service: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: "quick_select"
  media_content_id": "1"
Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes entity_id of the player(s)
media_content_type no Set to the value quick_select
media_content_id no The quick select number (i.e., 1) or name (i.e., Quick Select 1)

Play URL

You can play a URL through a HEOS media player using the media_player.play_media service. The HEOS player must be able to reach the URL. Example service data payload:

service: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: "url"
  media_content_id: ""
Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes entity_id of the player(s) to play the URL
media_content_type no Set to the value url
media_content_id no The full URL to the stream

Service media_player.join

For grouping HEOS media players together for synchronous playback you can use the media_player.join service. With the example service data payload down below you’ll expand playback of to the and media_player.bathroom players. Please note that all of the media players need to be HEOS players.

service: media_player.join
    - media_player.bathroom
Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes The media player entity whose playback will be expanded to the players specified in group_members.
group_members no The player entities which will be synced with the playback from entity_id.

Service media_player.unjoin

For removing a HEOS player from a group you can use the media_player.unjoin service.

service: media_player.unjoin
Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Unjoin this media player from any player groups.


  • Receivers with multiple zones are represented as a single media player. They will be turned on when playback is started, but cannot be turned off by the integration at this time.
  • Denon AVR and HEOS media players can be combined into a Universal Media Player



The HEOS integration will log additional information about commands, events, and other messages when the log level is set to debug. Add the relevant line below to the configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] to enable debug logging:

  default: info
    homeassistant.components.heos: debug
    pyheos: debug

Missing Favorites

If the HEOS controller is not signed in to a HEOS account, HEOS favorites will not be populated in the media player source selection and the service media_player.play_media for favorite and playlist will fail. Additionally, the following warning will be logged at startup:

IP_ADDRESS is not logged in to a HEOS account and will be unable to retrieve HEOS favorites: Use the ‘heos.sign_in’ service to sign-in to a HEOS account

To resolve this issue, use the heos.sign_in service to sign the controller into an account as documented above. This only needs to be performed once, as the controller will remain signed in while the account credentials are valid.