Home Assistant Supervisor

Supervisor integration allows you to monitor and control Supervisor add-ons and operating system from Home Assistant. This integration is already installed if you run Home Assistant OS or Supervised. Please note that this integration cannot be installed on Home Assistant Container or Core (Python venv) installation types.

Sensor entities

For each installed add-on, the following sensors are available:

Sensor Enabled by default Description
Version no Current version of the add-on
Newest Version no Latest version of the add-on currently available
CPU Percent no The CPU Percent usage of the add-on
Memory Percent no The Memory (RAM) Percent usage of the add-on

For Home Assistant OS, the following sensors are available:

Sensor Enabled by default Description
Version no Current version of the Home Assistant OS
Newest Version no Latest version of the Home Assistant OS currently available

For Home Assistant Core, the following sensors are available:

Sensor Enabled by default Description
CPU Percent no The CPU Percent usage of the core
Memory Percent no The Memory (RAM) Percent usage of the core

For Home Assistant Supervisor, the following sensors are available:

Sensor Enabled by default Description
CPU Percent no The CPU Percent usage of the supervisor
Memory Percent no The Memory (RAM) Percent usage of the supervisor

For Home Assistant Host, the following sensors are available:

Sensor Enabled by default Description
OS Agent Version no The version of the installed OS Agent
Apparmor Version no The version of apparmor
Disk Free no Free space (in GB) left on the device
Disk Total no Total space (in GB) on the device
Disk Used no Used space (in GB) on the device

Binary sensor entities

For each installed add-on Supervisor provides following binary sensors:

(These entities are disabled by default and must be reenabled to appear)

Sensor Enabled by default Description
Update Available no Whether there is an update available for this add-on (This is deprecated, use the Update entities instead.)
Running no Whether the add-on is running or not.

For Home Assistant OS Supervisor provides following binary sensors:

Sensor Enabled by default Description
Update Available no Whether there is an update available for OS

Update entities

For all your installed add-ons, Home Assistant Core, Home Assistant Supervisor, and for the Home Assistant Operating System (if you are running that), this integration will provide update entities that provide information about pending updates, and will allow you to update to them.


Service hassio.addon_start

Start an add-on.

Service Data Attribute Optional Description
addon no Add-on slug

Service hassio.addon_stop

Stop an add-on.

Service Data Attribute Optional Description
addon no Add-on slug

Service hassio.addon_restart

Restart an add-on.

Service Data Attribute Optional Description
addon no Add-on slug

Service hassio.addon_stdin

Write data to add-on stdin.

Service Data Attribute Optional Description
addon no Add-on slug

Service hassio.addon_update

Update add-on. This service should be used with caution since add-on updates can contain backward-incompatible changes. It is highly recommended that you review release notes/change logs before updating an add-on.

Service Data Attribute Optional Description
addon no Add-on slug

Service hassio.host_reboot

Reboot the host system.

Service hassio.host_shutdown

Shutdown the host system.

Service hassio.backup_full

Create a full backup.

Service Data Attribute Optional Description
name yes By default, the current date and time are used in your local time, which you have set in your general settings.
password yes Optional password for backup
compressed yes false to create uncompressed backups
location yes Alternate backup location instead of using the default location for backups
homeassistant_exclude_database yes Exclude the Home Assistant database file from backup

Service hassio.backup_partial

Create a partial backup.

Service Data Attribute Optional Description
addons yes List of add-on slugs to backup
folders yes List of directories to backup
name yes Name of the backup file. Default is the current date and time in the user’s local time
password yes Optional password for backup
compressed yes false to create uncompressed backups
location yes Alternate backup location instead of using the default location for backups
homeassistant yes Include Home Assistant and associated config in backup
homeassistant_exclude_database yes Exclude the Home Assistant database file from backup

Service hassio.restore_full

Restore from full backup.

Service Data Attribute Optional Description
slug no Slug of backup to restore from
password yes Optional password for backup

Service hassio.restore_partial

Restore from partial backup.

Service Data Attribute Optional Description
slug no Slug of backup to restore from
homeassistant yes Whether to restore Home Assistant, true or false
addons yes List of add-on slugs to restore
folders yes List of directories to restore
password yes Optional password for backup