NSW Rural Fire Service Incidents

The nsw_rural_fire_service_feed platform lets you integrate a GeoJSON feed provided by the NSW Rural Fire Service with information about bush fires, grass fires, hazard reductions and more. It retrieves incidents from a feed and shows information of those incidents filtered by distance to Home Assistant’s location.

Entities are generated, updated and removed automatically with each update from the feed. Each entity defines latitude and longitude and will be shown on the map automatically. The distance in kilometers is available as the state of each entity.

For example, you can use the entity’s information to trigger actions based on the proximity and severity of a fire incident. You can set up automations to close windows, activate sprinklers or remind yourself to clean the gutters if there is a fire in your area.

The data is updated every 5 minutes.


To integrate the NSW Rural Fire Service Incidents feed, add the following lines to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file. After changing the configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file, restart Home Assistant to apply the changes. To view the changes, go to Settings > Devices & services > Entities.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: nsw_rural_fire_service_feed

Configuration Variables

radius float (Optional, default: 20.0)

The distance in kilometers around Home Assistant’s coordinates in which incidents are included.

categories list (Optional)

List of incident category names found in the feed. Only incidents from the feed that match any of these categories are included. Valid categories are ‘Emergency Warning’, ‘Watch and Act’, ‘Advice’, ‘Not Applicable’.


None. Any incident regardless of its category will be included.

latitude string (Optional)

Latitude of the coordinates around which events are considered.


Latitude defined in your configuration.yaml

longitude string (Optional)

Longitude of the coordinates around which events are considered.


Longitude defined in your configuration.yaml

State Attributes

The following state attributes are available for each entity in addition to the standard ones:

Attribute Description
latitude Latitude of the incident.
longitude Longitude of the incident.
source nsw_rural_fire_service_feed to be used in conjunction with geo_location automation trigger.
external_id The external ID used in the feed to identify the incident in the feed.
category One of ‘Emergency Warning’, ‘Watch and Act’, ‘Advice’, ‘Not Applicable’.
location Location details of where the incident takes place.
publication_date Date and time when this incident was last updated.
council_area Council area in which this incident takes place.
status One of ‘Under Control’, ‘Being Controlled’, ‘Out of Control’.
type Incident type, for example ‘Bush Fire’, ‘Grass Fire’ or ‘Hazard Reduction’.
fire True if this incident is a fire, False otherwise.
size Size in hectare
responsible_agency Agency responsible for this incident.

Advanced Configuration Example

Depending on your personal circumstances with regards to bush fire risk you may want to adjust the radius and define the categories of fire warnings you are actually interested in.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: nsw_rural_fire_service_feed
    entity_namespace: "nsw_fire_service_feed"
    radius: 10
      - 'Emergency Warning'
      - 'Watch and Act'
      - 'Advice'